Embraced by the Flame (火車の叫ぶ夜に English ver)
Don't fear this adventure show me your brave heart
Don't fear this adventure show me your heart

Aiming for the triumph and never lose again
I will take an oath right here
This sword will sweep all the enemies away
So my life is a blade
Crush all the beasts that hide behind the place once we called hell where demons reign

We stand at the edge of the field where nothing remains
But our fates will draw us together in flames
The only thing I cannot give up away is my ash
Nothing but this can be a trace of my life
May the burning stone walls that are surrounding me will be a coffin for me

Don't fear this adventure show me your brave heart
Don't fear this adventure show me your heart

Only with a flag of brave in my hands, I am marching to the mouth of hell
Even their blackened bones won't stop the trap
It's the blackened trap
That is tempting you to the mouth of hell
Into the depth of your disappear

We stand in the middle of the field where the crossfire flies
And finally the moonlight will light your face up
Embraced by the flames I can not see anything right now
But the memories of my home forever remains
There is no way back now
Here is my grave, how why I wish I could
(Guitar Solo)

We stand in the middle of the field where the crossfire flies
And finally the sunshine will light your face up
The only thing I cannot give up away is my ash
Nothing but this can be a trace of my life
There's a burning stone wall that is surrounding me that is a coffin for me
Oh please never shed tears just sing a song for me
Only a lullaby can send me there
When my life steps into the entrance of death
Oh just sing a song for me

Don't fear this adventure show me your brave heart
Don't fear this adventure show me your brave heart
Don't fear this adventure show me your heart