Fake love
I'm sick of loving
Every time it's just a misconception
I find a girl
And she lead me into a new dimension
Thinking bout the future
Counting out all of our blessings
And then I find out it's all fake
And she leaves me guessing
I guess I learned my lesson
I guess we're better ended
I wish I never gave my heart out
Dummy should've kept it
Just like a piece of paper
She ripped my heart in half
I guess this kind of thing is something I won't ever have
But it's fine
Soon I'll just get used to it
To keep my mind off of love
I'll just do stupid shit
I fell asleep
Questioning is anyone for me
Laying on my back using
Music as a remedy
Listening and writing
All these sad songs
Happy for a bit
But doesn't last long
I'm Trynna find the joy
In all this chaos
Keep on praying
For my future hope it pays off

Broke my heart I
U tore it in two
So why am I
Still thinking of u

Lately it's fuck emotions
Grab the dope and then I roll it
I've been tripping off the potent
Honestly I'm omnipotent
Used to think about r memories
I cleared em like my history
Wrote this in a grave
To set the scene
Cuz love is dead to me
R love was one sided
I know u ain't felt the same
I bet u relish the fact
That I fucking felt this pain
U gave me comfort
U were like my shelter from the rain
Gripping the razor blade I swear I'd never love again
I'll keep that promise
Trust me I won't break it
I'll rip my heart out of my chest
And chain it in the basement
Knocking bottles til I'm wasted
Clear to see I'm changing
Rather stick to blazing
Then the dreams that I've been chasing

I know hearts don't physically break
But my chest hurts
I can still smell her perfume
On my sweatshirt
They say that time can heal
Soon I'll feel better
But all that can heal this
Is if I never met her
Story never ends
If the story never starts
Take these sad feelings
Trynna turn them into art
Paintbrush light stroke
Out all of my feelings
Spitting shit typing quick
Take the wheel I can't see
But keep steering
Moving on kicking out
My past demons
And I'm not walking I'll be running
From this torture
I see the light
Do my best to move forwards

I miss you