19964 track cassette demo (1996) ↗
1. Dialate (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Deftest
3. Unknown Song 1
4. Stick N’ Move — same version as the Xero EP.1997Xero 4 track cassette demo (1997) ↗
1. Dialate (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Fuse — same version as the Xero EP.
3. Deftest
4. Stick N’ Move — same version as the Xero EP.
Xero 3 track DAT cassette demo (1997) ↗
1. Fuse — same version as the Xero EP.
2. Reading My Eyes — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Stick N’ Move — same version as the Xero EP.
Xero 4 track cassette demo (November, 1997) ↗
1. Fuse — same version as the Xero EP.
2. Dialate (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Stick N’ Move — same version as the Xero EP.
4. Reading My Eyes — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Xero EP (November, 1997) ↗
1. Rhinestone (Demo 1)
2. Reading My Eyes — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Fuse
4. Stick N Move1997/1998Xero 3 track DAT cassette demo (1997/1998) ↗
1. Rhinestone (Demo 2)*
2. Dreamer*
3. Weight*1998Xero 5 track demo CD (1998) ↗
1. Esaul (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Pictureboard (Xero Demo)
3. Rhinestone (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Fiends (feat. Emcee 007)
5. Slip*
Xero 818 4 track cassette demo (1998) ↗
1. Esaul (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Pictureboard (Xero Demo)
3. Rhinestone (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Fiends (feat. Emcee 007)
Xero 4 track demo CD (1998) ↗
1. Esaul (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Pictureboard (Xero Demo)
3. Rhinestone (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Fiends (feat. Emcee 007)
Xero 9 track demo CD (November 14, 1998) ↗
1. Rhinestone (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Esaul (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Pictureboard (Xero Demo)
4. Fiends (feat. Emcee 007)
5. Stick N Move (Xero Demo)*
6. Carousel (Xero Demo)*
7. Slip (Xero Demo)*
8. Pointillism* — So Far Away demo originally done by Mike Shinoda
9. Step Up (Xero Demo)*1999Xero Instrumentals (March, 1999) ↗
1. Rhinestone (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition — Instrumental version
2. Pictureboard (Xero Demo) — Instrumental version*
3. Esaul (Xero Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition — Instrumental version*
Xero 5 track demo CD (Old Mix) (April, 1999) ↗
1. Part of Me (Demo 1)*
2. Carousel (1999 Demo)*
3. And One (1999 Demo)*
4. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Xero New 3 track demo CD (April, 1999) ↗
1. Part of Me (1999 Demo)*
2. Carousel (1999 Demo)*
3. And One (1999 Demo)*
Hybrid Theory 2 track demo CD (1999) ↗
1. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Unknown Song*
Hybrid Theory 3 track demo CD (1999) ↗
1. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Carousel — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 6 track demo CD (1999) ↗
1. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Pictureboard — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Blue (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Step Up — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. High Voltage — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory demo CD (early May, 1999) ↗
1. Blue (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Could Have Been — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Part of Me (Demo 1)*
6. Turn to Grey*
7. Pictureboard — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
8. Ashes* — first demo with Chester Bennington, labeled on the CD as being "unfinished".
Hybrid Theory Complete Demos CD (early/mid 1999) ↗
1. Points & Authority (Demo)
2. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter)* — In The End first known demo.
4. Carousel — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Forgotten (Demo)— officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
8. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Pictureboard* — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
10. Blue (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
11. Could Have Been — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
12. Turn to Grey*
13. Ashes* — first demo with Chester Bennington.
14. Fiends (Xero demo) (feat. Emcee 007)
15. Slip (Xero demo)*
Hybrid Theory EP (July, 1999) ↗
1. Carousel — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Technique (Short) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Step Up — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. High Voltage — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Hidden Instrumental Track
Hybrid Theory 5-Track Demo CD (July, 1999) ↗
1. Carousel — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 4-Track Demo CD (July, 1999) ↗
1. Points of Authority (Demo Version) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Carousel — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 5 track demo CD (July, 1999) ↗
1. Points of Authority (Demo Version) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Carousel — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 9 track demo CD (mid-August, 1999) ↗
1. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.
2. Points &/And Authority (Demo)
3. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Crawling (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Carousel (9 Track Demo)
6. Part of Me (9 Track Demo)
7. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
8. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 3 track demo CD (late August, 1999) ↗
1. Part of Me (Demo 2)*
2. Flower* — She Couldn’t demo.
3. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.
Hybrid Theory 2 track demo CD (late 1999) ↗
1. Esaul (Demo) —from hybridtheory.com
2. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory Demo (November 23, 1999) ↗
1. Esaul (Demo) —from hybridtheory.com
2. Carousel (9 Track Demo)
3. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Part of Me (9 Track Demo)
5. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.
6. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Crawling (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 14 Songs From 12/13 Demo CD (December 13, 1999) ↗
1. Esaul (Demo) —from hybridtheory.com
2. Crawling (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Slip (Hybrid Theory Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. And One (Inst. [Instrumental]) — "And One" officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Points &/And Authority (Demo)
8. Pictureboard — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Carousel (9 Track Demo)
10. Part of Me (9 Track Demo)
11. New Ballad (She Had To Go) / New Slow — officially released as "She Couldn't" on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
12. Knight Rider — officially released as "So Far Away" on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
13. Stick N Move — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
14. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.2000Hybrid Theory EP (Different Version) (2000) ↗
1. Esaul (Demo) —from hybridtheory.com
2. Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch — officially released as "Cure for the Itch" on Hybrid Theory.
3. High Voltage (B-Side Rarities) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. By Myself — officially released on Hybrid Theory.
5. Kids — officially released as "Dedicated" on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. And Two (Outro)
Hybrid Theory 6 track demo (February, 2000) ↗
1. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.
2. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Crawling (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Points &/And Authority (Demo)
5. Dust Brothers — With You demo.
6. She Couldn’t — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory Canceled 8 Song EP (February, 2000) ↗
1. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.
2. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Points &/And Authority (Demo)
4. Crawling (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. She Couldn’t — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Carousel (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Part of Me (Demo 2)
8. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory Demos from 02-2000 (February, 2000) ↗
*First time releasing under the name Linkin Park.
1. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.
2. SuperXero (“By Myself” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Points &/And Authority (Demo)
4. Crawling (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Carousel (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Part of Me (Demo 2)
7. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
Hybrid Theory 2 track demo (March, 2000) ↗
1. Plaster — One Step Closer demo.
2. Papercut (Rough Demo)
Hybrid Theory 6 track demo (April 25, 2000) ↗
1. Plaster — One Step Closer demo.
2. Papercut (Demo)
3. Crawling (6-Track Demo)
4. Points of Authority — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Dust Brothers — With You demo.
6. Untitled (It Doesn’t Matter) — In The End first known demo.2002LP Underground 2.0 EP (November 18, 2002) ↗
1. A.06 — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. With You (Live at Docklands Arena, London) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Pts.Of.Athrty (Crystal Method Remix) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Dedicated (1999 Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. High Voltage (Live at Docklands Arena, London) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. My December — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.2003LP Underground 3.0 EP (November 17, 2003) ↗
1. Don’t Stay (Live in Texas) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Figure.09 (Live in Texas) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. With You (Live in Texas) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. By Myself (Live in Texas) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. A Place for My Head (Live in Texas)— officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.2004LP Underground 4.0 EP (November 22, 2004) ↗
1. Sold My Soul to Yo Mama — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Breaking the Habit (Live) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Standing In The Middle — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Step Up/Nobody’s Listening/It’s Goin’ Down (Live) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Wish (Live) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. One Step Closer (Live) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.2005LP Underground 5.0 EP (November 21, 2005) ↗
1. Somewhere I Belong (Live)
2. Breaking The Habit (Live)
3. Public Service Announcement (Intro) [Live] (feat. JAY-Z)
4. Dirt Off Your Shoulder / Lying From You (Live) (feat. JAY-Z)
5. Big Pimpin’ / Papercut (Live) (feat. JAY-Z)
6. Jigga What / Faint (Live) (feat. JAY-Z)2006LP Underground 6 EP (December 5, 2006) ↗
1. Announcement Service Public
2. QWERTY — re-released on Songs From The Underground and A Decade Underground, officially released on Papercuts.
3. QWERTY (Live)
4. Pushing Me Away (Live)
5. Breaking The Habit (Live)
6. Reading My Eyes (Live)2007LP Underground 7 EP (December 5, 2007) ↗
1. No More Sorrow (Live)
2. What I’ve Done (Live)
3. One Step Closer (Live)
4. Given Up (Live)
5. Numb (Live)
6. Crawling (Live)
7. The Little Things Give You Away (Live)
8. In The End (Live)
9. Bleed It Out (Live)
10. Faint (Live)2008Songs from the Underground EP (November 28, 2008) ↗
1. Announcement Service Public — originally on LP Underground 6.
2. QWERTY — originally on LP Underground 6, officially released on Papercuts.
3. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Sold My Soul to Yo Mama — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Dedicated (1999 Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Hunger Strike (Live From Projekt Revolution 2008) — Chris Cornell ft. Chester Bennington.
7. My December (Live) — originally on Songs from the Underground.
8. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.2009LP Underground 9: Demos EP (November 23, 2009) ↗
1. A-Six (Original Long Version) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Faint (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Sad (”By Myself” Demo 1999) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Fear ("Leave Out All The Rest" Demo 2006)
5. Figure.09 (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Stick and Move (”Runaway” Demo 1998) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Across the Line
8. Drawing ("Breaking the Habit" Demo 2002) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Drum Song ("The Little Things Give You Away" Demo 2006)2010A Decade Underground EP (August 10, 2010) ↗
1. Announcement Service Public — originally on LP Underground 6.
2. QWERTY — originally on LP Underground 6, officially released on Papercuts.
3. And One — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Sold My Soul to Yo Mama — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Dedicated (1999 Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Hunger Strike (Live From Projekt Revolution 2008) — Chris Cornell ft. Chester Bennington.
7. My December (Live) — originally on Songs from the Underground.
8. Part of Me — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Across the Line
10. Pretend to Be (2008 Demo)
LP Underground X EP (November 17, 2010) ↗
1. Unfortunate (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. What We Don’t Know (2007 Demo)
3. Oh No (”Points of Authority” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. I Have Not Begun (2009 Demo)
5. Pale (2006 Demo)
6. Pretend to Be (2008 Demo) — originally on A Decade Underground.
7. Divided (2005 Demo)
8. What I’ve Done (M. Shinoda Remix)
9. Coal (1997 Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
10. Halo (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.2011LP Underground 9: Demos (EU Promo) EP (October 31, 2011) ↗
1. A-Six (Original Long Version) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
2. Faint (2002 Demo) [Extended] — "Faint (2002 Demo)" officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Sad (”By Myself” Demo 1999) [Extended] — "Sad ("By Myself" Demo 1999)" officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. Fear ("Leave Out All The Rest" Demo 2006)
5. Figure.09 (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Stick and Move (”Runaway” Demo 1998) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Across the Line (2007 Demo) [Extended]
8. Drawing ("Breaking the Habit" Demo 2002) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Drum Song ("The Little Things Give You Away" Demo 2006)
LP Underground 11 EP (November 15, 2011) ↗
1. YO (MTM Demo)
2. Slip (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo)— officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Soundtrack (Meteora Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
4. In The End (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
5. Program (Meteora Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Bang Three (What I’ve Done Original Demo)
7. Robot Boy (Test Mix, Optional Voice Take)
8. Broken Foot (Meteora Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
9. Esaul (”A Place for My Head” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
10. Blue (1998 Unreleased Hybrid Theory Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.2012LP Underground 12 EP (November 16, 2012) ↗
1. Homecoming (Minutes to Midnight Demo)
2. Points of Authority (Demo Version) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
3. Clarity (Minutes to Midnight Demo)
4. Asbestos (Minutes to Midnight Demo)
5. Bunker (Minutes to Midnight Demo)
6. So Far Away — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Pepper (Meteora Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
8. Debris (Minutes to Midnight Demo)
9. Ominous (Meteora Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
10. Forgotten (Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.2013LP Underground XIII EP (November 18, 2013) ↗
1. Basquiat (2007 Demo)
2. Holding Company (Lost in the Echo 2011 Demo)
3. Primo (I’ll Be Gone, Longform 2010 Demo)
4. Hemispheres (2011 Demo)
5. Cumulus (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
6. Pretty Birdy (Somewhere I Belong 2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Universe (2006 Demo)
8. Apaches (Until It Breaks Demo No. 1)
9. Foot Patrol (Until It Breaks Demo No. 2)
10. Three Band Terror (Until It Breaks Demo No. 3)
11. Truth Inside a Lie (LPU Sessions 2013) — by Ryan Giles.
12. Change (LPU Sessions 2013) — by Beta State (feat. Mike Shinoda)2014LP Underground XIV EP (November 20, 2014) ↗
1. Aubrey One (2009 Demo)
2. Malathion+Tritonus (2008 Berlin Demo)
3. Berlin One, Version C (2009 Demo)
4. Blanka (2008 Demo)
5. Heartburn (2007 Demo)
6. Breaking the Habit (Original Mike 2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
7. Dave Sbeat (feat. Mr. Hahn)
8. Froctagon (2009 Demo)
9. Rhinocerous (2002 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
10. After Canada (2005 Demo)2015LP Underground 15 EP (November 25, 2015) ↗
1. Animals (2011 Demo)
2. Basil (2008 Demo)
3. Pods 1 of 3 (1998 Demo)
4. Pods 2 of 3 (1998 Demo)
5. Pods 3 of 3 (1998 Demo)
6. Chance of Rain (2006 Demo)
7. TooLeGit (2010 Demo)
8. Grudgematch (2009 Demo)
9. Hurry (1999 Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
10. Grr (1999 Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.
11. Attached (2003 Demo) — officially released on Meteora 20th Anniversary Edition.
12. Chair (1999 “Part of Me” Demo) — officially released on Hybrid Theory 20th Anniversary Edition.2016LP Underground Sixteen EP (November 21, 2016) ↗
1. The Catalyst (2010 Demo)
2. Can’t Hurt Me (2014 Demo)
3. Dark Crystal (2015 Demo)
4. Air Force One (2015 Demo)
5. Bleed It Out (2007 Demo)
6. Consequence A (2010 Demo)
7. Consequence B (2010 Demo)
8. Lies Greed Misery (2010 Demo)
9. Burberry (2015 Demo)
10. Symphonies of Light Reprise (2010 Demo)2017Does Music Make Food Taste Better? (May 11, 2017) ↗
1. Caution
2. Cup o’ Noodles
3. Sour and Sweet
4. Patch Kids
5. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
6. Cheetos, Cheetahs