YCY Tylenol
[Verse 1: YCY Tylenol]
Oh my god... What the fuck
Do they want know
What the fuck y'all want? What
[Verse 2: Girl Scout}
Hey, mister, would you care to buy
Some girl scout cookies?
[Verse 3: YCY Tylenol]
Ughhh not a fucking again
Uhhh no! Now get the fuck out of my house I got shit
To do
[Verse 4: Girl Scout}
Pretty please mister? We are saving up for our camp
[Verse 5: YCY Tylenol]
Listen here you little shit, I got a nine to five job, alright?
I gotta pay for the food on the table
I don't have a family but, yeah I gotta fudging eat, alright?
Now get the fuck outta my house
[Verse 4: Girl Scout}
I said if you wanna buy some mothafucking cookies?
*Gun Load*
[Verse 5: YCY Tylenol]
Ahhh, bitch you gotta strap too? Me to mothafucka!
*Girl Screams*
*Gun Shots*