Target (Interlude)
I feel like a target
I'm a public target
I like to, turn myself into a target
Public target
I don't know
I-I really don't know
I'd rather have myself feel their pain than others
It's not something that I-
Public target
-for myself, it's something that fucking happened
This is for anybody that feels like a target
Like they walk around with a target on their back
To absorb hatred and to take every attack
To feel as one day, when you die
You receive the same love back
Public target
My name is Chach and I'm a public target
My name is Trill Laimbeer, and I'm a public target
My name is Steph, and I'm a public target
My name is Shelby and I'm a public target
My name is angelus, and I'm a public target
My name is Dana, and I'm a public target
My name is David, and I'm a public target
My name is Olivia, and I am a public target
My name is Nyla, and I'm a public target
One day, we'll find a way to live together in harmony
And hatred, be a thing of the past
And if you will disappear, then love will figure it out
But for now, I'll remain a target