Wilbur Soot
Fuck YouTube Rewind
[Verse 1]
YouTube's got their heads so up their arse
They wouldn't know their Logans from their Jakes
And I don't think I even have to ask
Just look at all the money they make

[Verse 2]
Push down your undesirables and lift up all the fakes
Make sure you're not liable when they all make mistakes

So, fuck the rewind
And fuck you Google too
Your site was doing just fine
Until along came you

Now it's manufactured
(They're all shit)
So please don't ban me for this
But your site brainwashes little kids

[Verse 3]
Biggest thing in years, T-Series v Pewdie
The bid for your site's number one
And even though it brought in great swaths of the community
Stephen Colbert flossing was your number one

[Verse 4]
And Stefan Karl, the man behind the memes
For several years he was the face of it too
But not a fucking mention of his tragic passing
Instead, let's have a vine star or two

[Verse 5]
Sure, you can skip out Pewdiepie
And maybe don't include Ugandan Knuckles
But when a great man like TotalBiscuit has to die
Ignoring that is just fucking disrespectful

So, fuck the rewind
And fuck you Google too
Your site was doing just fine
Until along came you

Now it's manufactured
(They're all shit)
And please don't ban me for this
But your site brainwashes little kids

So how about I control the rewind?
Let's take out all your advertising-friendly bullshit
And let's pretend your decades-old community
Is nothing to be ashamed of
And let's put forward creators
Who actually made an impact
And changed the world
And made it a little less bleak

So, fuck the rewind
And fuck you Google too
The site was doing just fine
Until along came you

Now it's manufactured
So please don't ban me for this
Actually, fuck it, just ban me for this

Oh yes, ban me for this
But this once great system has gone to fucking shit