The Posies
Notion 99
Beautiful day
On a day like today when you can’t get away with the murderous
Little remains
Of the wide open plains where you hardly contained your deservedness
Hanging around
Like the question she found to the answer expounding your consciousness
Beautiful way
How she tried to divide like an emperor tide and be ‘conquerous’

Hey – it’s a beautiful ride
Hey – it’s a colorful motion
Hey – you got nothing to hide
But you can’t get caught with the notion

Meeting the match
In a station of trains on their way to the Nation of Animus
Is there a catch?
To control, down the hole, down the hatch, where the rabbits are ravenous?
Setting a trap
Unaware if you care, if she dares to ensnare for the hack of it
Minding the gap
Are you glad for the labyrinth moments you had keeping track of it?

Hey – it’s a beautiful ride
Hey – it’s a colorful motion
Hey – you got nothing to hide
But you can’t get caught with the notion