Paul McCartney
Movement IV - Father
[Chorus (mourners)]
Father, Father
Father, Father

O Father, you have given
Time to your children
You will look after
Those in your care

[WOMEN'S Chorus (mourners)]
We beg you
Look after us
Father, Father


[WOMEN'S Chorus]
Into the future
In ever-growing circles

You will be there
And your spirit will keep us moving
In the right direction
[FULL Chorus (mourners)]
O Father, you have given
Time to your children
You will look after
Those in your care
Into the future
In ever-growing circles
You will be there

And your spirit will keep us moving
In the right direction

Hey, wait a minute
You didn't tell me
I fell into a place
I didn't wanna go
It doesn't matter
I swear
I'll never go through another of those things
In my life
You should have warned me Of all the dangers
But maybe there were some things you just didn't know
But you're my father
And surely fathers ought to know about most things
In this life
Don't tell me
I thought you were the best
You were only human
And a lot like all the rest
Like me you were fragile
Not secure
With the fast tide of life
That would speed past your door
[Chorus (mourners)]
Father, Father, Father

[BOYS and Chorus]
Toti mundo nati


I forgive you
Will you forgive me?

You will be there

[CHIEF MOURNER and Chorus]
And your spirit will keep us moving
In the right direction