Gammon Favreau Master Post
Leave the clip in the sample
Cuz i was the one that did this first
All the shit net music
Bout to make a vessel burst
In the heyday of ytp
And jeri added me
Back when i was chopping shit in imovie hd
All you want is isolation and repetition
And since track one of VGF that has been my mission
Fourteen albums later and i've mostly been ignored
Cuz i mumble in a rock band mic over two or four chords
So what does it mean
And what do I record it for
And how do i cope
When I never know just what's in store
Stuck like this
Living halfway in a game
I'm sure i'll always be the same
Cuz i'm a fiend and i love every moment of
Hating everything that I see
Motioning for a promised life
When all I can do is
Dream, dream