Talkshow Boy
Following The Latest Trends Is, Like, So Passé
This is the song that you sing
When you're waiting for someone
Hopefully the person that you're waiting for
Will be there really soon
But I wouldn't wanna wait for anybody
Other than you
This is the hymn that you hum
When you're feeling funny
Hopefully the feeling that you're feeling
Will eventually fade
But the other times the feeling has stayed
This is the dance that you do
When you're making money
Hopefully the money that you're making
Will make you a millionaire
I wouldn't marry a millionaire
Unless a millionaire cared for me
This is the scene that you sing
When you're sleeping soundly
Don't make a sound though
The soothing slumber will cease
You won't be at ease or at peace
Every day we're tired and asleep, when we're awake we choke on the cold heart ache of a loved one's loss
Watch as I perform my own fucking tracheotomy