Talkshow Boy
Touch The Queen
If you see her wandering, jingling!
(Queen Elizabeth II: The Sequel!)
You could try to touch her softly!
(Use a finger! Use a whole hand!)

Touch the Queen!
Don't get permission!
No-one said that you should ask a king!
Don't wash yr hands!
Do a Paul Keating!
Everybody try and touch the Queen!

So try - you might get lucky!
(First she's confused, then next she's amused, yeah!)
But be respectful of her boundaries!
(Don't be a rude dude intruding in her bedroom!)

One finger is all that you need
If you meet her in her palace or you see her in the street!
She's royalty! Touch her! She might be into it!
Minimum effort for a maximum benefit!

Everybody try and touch the Queen!!
Everybody try and touch the Queen!!

Tobin helped her climb a staircase!
(John Howard touches Elizabeth!)
And Michelle Obama's touched her majesty!
(Queen Elizabeth started the touch-fest!)
Don't be sheepish unnecessarily!
Get in right up close to the royalty!
Lightly brush her elderly skin
With the tips of your pinky-fingers just for a whim!
(Time is running out!)

Touch the Queen!
Don't get permission!
No-one said that you should ask a king!
Don't wash yr hands!
Do a Paul Keating!
Everybody try and touch the Queen!

Touch the Queen!! Touch the Queen!!
Touch the Queen!! You could make a scene!!
Touch the Queen!! Touch the Queen!!
Put yr middle-finger on her!! Touch the Queen!!