All Heroes Fall
Born out of brotherhood
When weapons fell from hand
A law from a higher hall:
We must unite the land

But now, as I look upon it
Careworn and forlorn
It bleeds for lack of deeds!
Its leaders lost and banners torn

Come from beyond the wall
Burning within my hall

All heroes fall
My godliness decay
To thraldom led astray
In loneliness I pay
Time conquers all

When at last the warriors tread the path from Hel
The heavens fell, just as the Seeress did foretell
All heroes fall

Long peace and good pleasure
On the mortals I bestow
Come, horde! I've lost my sword
The ground I stand is set aglow
Staring them in the eye
Come now to see me die

When a deity could not withstand the wave
Sold for a slave, I go alone into my grave