Ziwe Fumudoh
Baby Let’s Move On
When you're so focused on race
You can forget to see
All the good times that we've had
In this country
Like remember when we fought in World War II
That was a pretty cool thing for us to do
But please forget we fought in Vietnam
Iraq, Afghanistan and how we
Colonized Guam

Baby, let's just move on
Let's forget about the past
Unless it's good
Then we remember

Baby, let's just move on
Remember Gettysburg Address
Forget thе Reconstruction Era
Baby, let's just move on
Rеmember Martin Luther King
But please forget how he died
Baby let's just move on

Now that we're in a post-racial America
You history nerds to need to get over it
And stop crying!
Would a nation that's racist
Have Barack Obama write a book?
Would a nation that's racist
Have Michelle Obama write a book?
Would a nation that's racist
Produce the Oprah Winfrey Network?
Rihanna is a billionaire!
Jay-Z is a billionaire!
LeBron is not a billionaire yet
But he should be
According to Andrew Yang!
(No pressure, LeBron)

Baby, let's just move on
Let's forget about the past
Unless it's good
Then we remember

Baby, let's just move on
Don't remember slavery
Just remember
Our cotton based economy
Baby, let's just move on
Don't remember that Jim Crow
Inspired Nazi Germany (allegedly)
Baby let's just move on
Remember George Washington
But don't ask where he got his teeth
Baby let's just move on
Remember we're not racist
But please forget
All the racism
All the racism
No racism