Take my heart and break it into 2
Thats what you're made to do
Ain’t that right, ain't that right
So go ahead
Do you're worst
Prick and prod my insecurities
It’s what you plan to do
Ain't that right, ain't that right
Please be honest with me
상처 받았어 나 그게 뭐야
아직도 모르겠어 머리가 돈다
떠나버리고싶어 모든걸다
어디든 멀리가도 상관은 없다
또 반복해 (Ooh, aah)
Take my heart and break it into 2
Thats what you're made to do
Ain't that right, ain't that right
So go ahead
Do you're worst
Prick and prod my insecurities
It's what you plan to do
Ain’t that right, ain’t that right
Please be honest with me