[verse 1]
All these n***as
Them n***as greedy
They be doing anything for dough
Bitch i'm committed n***a
I'm not here for the money
I'm here for fans
I'm here cuz i love this
Bitch i'm here rappen
I'm here cracken heads
Bitch i'm here rappen
Cuz i fucken want to
Bitch drako ant no sellout
I do this shit for free
Bitch i do it for me
I don't give a fuck about the money
Man fuck the money
I don't need it
Its just paper shit
Dyed green
Makes bitches greedy
Bitch i ant no bitch
Ant no snitch eather
Fuck the money
Its not worth shit
So why is it valuable
Why n***as so greedy
[verse 2]
I do this shit for free
Fuck these hoe's
They can suck my dick
N***a fuck the money
I ant writting
I ant rappen for u
Or any fucken body
Bitch i don't care who the fuck u are
Ur just a fucken prick
Bet u got a small dick
Bitch u probably from Michigan
Man y'all such
Them buckeyes crazy
Bitch u a sell out
Just like Michigan
All u go is lose
Bitch u a sellout
Fuck u
U can suck my fucken dick
Bitch drake ant no fucken sellout
Ur the sellout
Ur bitch ass sucken dick in the b-room
Bet u got ur hands on ur nees
Bitch u got all that money
U a greedy n***a
Bet u did everything to get thay money
But it don'y matter
Cuz no matter what ur a fucken prick
Bet u got a small dick
Bitch u have everthing
Yet u have nothing
Bitch u a greedy n***a
Hope u learn ur lesson
Ur a greedy n***a
Everyone left u
Now ur butthurt
Bitch u lie in bed lonely
Bitch evan with all that money
U can't get a girl
Ur rich
A bitch
Got a small dick
U from Michigan
Fuck Michigan
They losers like u
Go Ohio state
Them buckeyes crazy
N***a u a loser
U a sellout
Now look at u
Bitch i ant no sellout
I'll never be like ur greedy ass
U a lil bitch
[verse 3]
Got all these hatters on me
They keep multiplying
I'm trying to subtract but i failed algebra
Man fuck the hatters
Fuck the money
All my hatters u can suck my dick
Cuz i ant no bitch
I ant fucken no hoe
Man fuck the cops
Ant talken to no po-po
Ant snitchen on my bro's
Djdrako ant no sellout
Bitch drako's never gonna sellout
Fuck the mone
I be praying my n***as eat
Fuck the money
Drakos never gonna sellout
So u can keep ur money
Bitch u can go shove it up ur ass
Fuck the money
I ant no fucken sell out
Man fuck u
Fuck the money