[verse 1]
I fucked up
Wish i could find better words
Wish i would turn back time
But i can't
I fucked up
I know that now
I can’t fix it
Wish i could fix it
But i can't
I know
Belive me
I've tried
Over and over..
And i just can’t fix it
Wish i could just turn back time
But i can't
[verse 2]
Ii fucked up
I know.that now
I can't fix it now
I know
I can't fix it know
Even ytho i wish i could
But i don't forgive myself
For how i treated u
So i don't aspect u to ether
One thing ALI
U changed me
Got all these people asking me
This one question
Whats the best thing that happend to me in high school
I can say u
Geting to know u
Geting close to u
Dating u
[verse 3]
ALI u know me
I'm honest
U are the best girl i've dated
U really did change me
U may not know it
But u did
ALI i was on the dark side
U were born on the light side
We were never supost to date
Like it was forbidden
But u did it
We did it
We dated
U changed me
(u changed me)
[verse 4]
U changed me
I wasent always this sweat
I wasent always the fun guy i was today
I’m honest
I was an S.O.B
I would walk up to random people
Ask if they wanna fight
But u changed me
U really did change me
U changed me ALI