Machine Gun Kelly Diss
Dead man production
[verse 1]
U be talking all this shit
U be trying to
Talk the talk
To fucking walk the walk
Talking about putting your chalk on people
Man no one wants to see that lil chalk
Man u be talking all this crap
Trying to rap
Bitch u fake
Like drake
Fucking mumble rapper
U been throw it all
I;ll admit that.from the bad to the good
From broke as fuck to rich as fuck
Yet u lost
U fucking lied
Went back on your word
Trying to find them cords
Yet u went back on your word
Man fuck u.always ducking people
When u bout to ;lose
Cuz in the end we all in the same boat
Bitch we float
U'll sink
Cuz the m lie;s be heavy
Man u lied.'
Went back on your fucking word
U said u wouldn't change
Wouldn't give in
Give in to the money
Like all the other rappers
Them again your a fucking mumble rapper
U said u wouldn't give in
Now look at u man
U became what u hated
U became a rich prick
A fucking dick
Man fuck u
[verse 2]
Man fuck u
Fuck the free world
U be picking fight's
Bitch u think ur bright
Nah u dark
Out like a light
Should get out of sight
Picking one with Em
Yeah like a mumble rapper gonna bet
The rap god
Man fuck u
Fuck the rap devil
I'm the fucking rap demon
Man u are a fuckery
Fuck u
Can't even write
Hay bitch
Drako is fast like a mako
I don't believe in ghost witters
U be sounding like a bitch,bitch
Bitch u pitch black
Out like a light
U ant want this fight
Bitch u'll lose
U ant so bright
Bitch i'm tight
U don't want this fight
I;ll put u down
U'll be out like a light
U be sounding like a bitch, bitch
Ant so bright
Bitch get outta my sight
Before i put u out
Like a light