Fuck your shots
[Verse 1]
Shot shot shot
Boy you be shooting blank
Take that shit back to the bank
Ain't on my rank
Man fuck your shots
Fucking copy cat
Oh wait
U can't get no pussy
Fucking mumble rapper
Better get to steping
Before I tumble u
Wanna rumble
Nah u fumbling
Dam pay attention
Don't you see all the shit
Coming out your mouth
You over filled the pit
Now you throwing a fit
Cuz I hit your ass
Fuck it
Thats what you get
Th Nd diss me
Come at me with a miss
U throwing a fit
Cuz nothing will work
Bro your as smart ape
Shit, probably rap like on
Boy you suck at rapping
Rap more like ear rape
Talk about me
Fuck you
I rap like an app
U can't do shit
Bitch all me your leader
Go throw the portal
Morph into an immortal
Fuck superman
I the rap demon
U can't do shit
Trying to burn me
Ha, bitch im fire proof
Fuck your burn
Ain't no burn anyway
U just playibg with matches
I walk thro hell fire everyday
Fuck your lil tire fire
Man shut up
All you do is throw fits
Mad cuz im a pump
Bitch u need to get a grip
Go take a dip cool the fuck off
Mad cuz
Nothing I do can burn me
Bitch I'm fire proof

[Verse 2]
Aiden, Aiden, Aiden
Just shut the fuck up
Talking about looks
Bro I looking like a fucking raison
Bro I got nothing on me
Say u slay the dead
Fuck it
Your name is Aidon
Fuck the undead
I'll slay them too
I'm the slayer
U just undead
One shot
Your dead
I just slayed tge dead
Guess im the realm undead slayer