(Song 1: Lo-Fight)
(spoken) So? Whaddya gotta say about that?
(sung) Hey waitin’ for your comeback
Are you just gonna stand there?
Got better things to do
Than tradin' gradeschool burns with you, kid
You’d better get your icepack!
These burns aren’t goin’ nowhere!
Please, dude, don’t get me riled
Don’t wanna destroy a child
I would appreciate bein’ left alone; that’s all I’m askin’!
Give me some peace and quiet!
Or you might end up in a casket!
But that’s what I’m here for!
You’ve seen me beat all the rest, man!
You know I can keep up
Show me why they call you the best, man!
I gave up singin’ a while back
But why would you?
It didn’t work out and that’s that
But how could you
Give up when you hit your peak?
Things changed up really fast!
You were in headlines for weeks!
Stop askin’ ‘bout my past!
Was it a messed up solo?
Wouldn’t want to repeat it
You’re fine my problem’s mine
So buzz off kid, don’t waste your time here
C’mon man let your skills show
Then I promise I’ll beat it
Trust me kid, you’re not ready
You’ve been goin’ steady with Girlfriend for a while
And while I’m not a fan of her old man
I don’t wanna take you from her
Or leave her folks without their child!
Stop tryin’ to protect me
I’m talented, cute, and funny!
So if you’d just let me
I’ll give you a run for your money!
That’s why I don’t wanna fight you!
Don’t chicken out on me now!
No tellin’ what I’d say or do
I’m spittin’ until you show me what you got!
Why won’t you let me be?
C’mon give it one more shot!
Listen up, carefully…
No way!
Had enough?
Get Lost!
Show your stuff!
Beat it!
Set your hidden powers free!
You don’t know me!
[BF] (spoken)
But I will know you once the battle heats up!
And you’ll know me better too!
[Whitty] (spoken)
I see how it is...
[BF] (spoken)
Alright! You’re finally warmin’ up!
[Whitty] (spoken)
You’re really pushing my limits dude...
[BF] (spoken)
Why don’t you show me what you can REALLY do this time?
[Whitty] (spoken)
Well, how about you go die in a ditch instead?!
[BF] (spoken)
Aw, YEAH! FINALLY, a real comeback! NOW we’re playin’ with fire!
(Song 2: Overhead)
[Whitty] (spoken)
. . .Don’t make me do this
So let me take a wild guess
(sung) You thought you’d walk up to me
Burn me and outdo me
Look real macho for your girlfriend
Leave me bruised and beaten?
Hold on, you got it twisted!
I rapped, you resisted!
Don’t care if I win or lose
Just wanna walk in your shoes!
That’s a dangerous game
Filled with heartbreak and pain!
I’ll listen if you talk
Spill the tea, why’d you give up rock?
Wasn’t my choice to quit
Her parents made me so I did it!
Hold the phone, it was those guys?
No way, did they make you with their demon eyes?
Wasn’t magic or some curse
They betrayed me and that hurt worse!
So you guys used to be friends
Till they made your music end?
Best of friends, stardom or bust
The only people I thought I could ever trust!
Sounds like you guys were close…
Why would they shut down your shows?
When they found me, we were nobodies!
They weren’t winning in the beginning…
Took me in under their wing
Inspired me to rap and sing with em!
Sounds like they were really nice
So what did they do, give you bad advice?
Booked a venue, asked me to sing with em too!
So your big break was just a giant mistake?
They both pressured me into it
Gave my best, but then i blew it!
So you tried to sing but it was baited
Had no practice, did they hate it?
That’s the part that shocked me
Everyone was cheerin’ for me!
Mom said I had style
(BF: ooh go on!)
And Dad said noone could ignore me!
(BF: what else?)
Musta covered up the awful end I gave to em
Then before I knew it
(BF: no way!)
We got big, they got me my own album!
(BF: by yourself?)
So let me get this straight:
They gave you everything you had
Got you on stage
(Whitty: that’s right)
And helped clean it up when things went bad
(Whitty: That part too…)
Motivated you to sing more
Helped you sign on a record deal
After all of that
(Whitty: careful)
They stabbed you in the back- are you for real???
(Whitty: or they’ll trick you!)
Suddenly, the deal went south
They wouldn’t print the album without
Havin’ a track that sounded like
The one I messed up playin’ out!
Oh no.. and if you tried…
After all you did to hide
That bad part at the end
You’d never get signed again!
I was gonna quit, couldn’t do it…
Ran in fear of losing your career…
Then they burst into the room
With glowing crimson eyes of doom blazing!
They made you perform the song so it went wrong?
Wow, that’s amazing!
They started yellin’ at me
Put me in a state of fury
Muscles started tensin’ up
(BF: oh no!)
Vision gettin’ really blurry
(BF: how could they?)
Screamed and screamed
Til screaming finally reached its end
Thought I made it through
But the last second I blew it again
Musta been such a heartbreak
To see your friends betray ya
But there musta been
A good reason the two of them made ya
[BF+ Whitty]
Those two must have realized
With a talent that strong you/I couldn’t be beat
You’d/I’d be come bigger
So they joined forces to cheat!
So, let’s see it!
(Song 3: Ballistic)
[Whitty] (spoken)
After I shared all that…
You’re still making me do it???
[BF] (spoken)
ALL RIGHT! Now THIS is a battle!
How ‘bout one last burn-
[Whitty] (spoken)
[BF] (spoken)
Baboop peebo…?
You wanna brawl, huh, do ya, you pushy moron?
Want my all, guess what, it’s comin' at'cha!
This is amazing! Been waitin’ for this, you’re on!
Gonna spit my best when I combat ya!
Everybody that family meets
Ends up broken and tossed away or evil, like you!
Not everyone! The girlfriend is sweet!
And I wanted to know if the legends were all true!
You couldn’t know the pain
Of having your skills go beyond your mortal form!
If you work hard, you could tame
Your own strength, come back and take the world by storm!
Can’t. When I’ve cooled down I’ll just run
Call me a coward, better to forget me
I’ll talk you through when that time comes!
I wanna help you but you gotta let me!
You’d just use me as a trophy for yourself
“Hey look everyone, I conquered Whitty!”
No way man, I really care about your health!
Can’t be well off hidin’ in this city
Don’t lie to me, if you cared you’d make tracks
I asked you nicely, you kept on pressing!
Fine, I’ll admit it, wanted you to attack
But now I get why your life’s distressing!
Sure you do, you liar! I’d light you on fire
But your lame burns can’t
Light gasoline
Guess I took it too far, gonna rap a few bars
No remorse, watch out
I’m gettin’ mean!
What, gonna hit low?
Is it my freakish height? Bomb face?
Try me, heard em all, dude!
Nah, but you should know
Whether you’re chilled out or crazy fast
Got a really trash mood!
Sorry I wasn’t glad you found my hiding spot
Started trouble, that’s all nice and fine!
Coulda just rapped a bit, I didn’t want a lot
But my idol gave me a hard time!
I don’t owe you nothin’! I don’t owe a damn thing!
You demons won’t leave me be!
Not another demon! I just wanted to sing!
Don’t take your grudge out on me!
Bet they sent you here just to end me!
Trust me, me and them ain’t too friendly!
Do they got you in a contract, Payin’ debts?
I’m not one to get swindled makin’ bets!
What is it, then? You could leave anytime now!
Wanna fix things, but I really don’t know how!
Just give up and let me wallow!
Quitting’s a hard pill to swallow!
It’s not your job!
We can fix it!
It’s not your strife!
We can fix you!
It’s not your prob!
Shouldn’t risk it!
Kid, please get a life!
But I still want to!
You’ll make things worse!
I’ll keep fighting!
You are right now!
I’ll keep rappin!
Can’t cure my curse!
Fast as lightning!
Nobody knows how!
Till good stuff happens!
Don’t you understand this hurts me?
It’ll work out after we sing!
Keep this up, it won’t end peacefully!
Singing battles fix most anything!
Doomsday’s here there’s no way out left!
By now shoulda been a breakthrough!
Rest in peace kid, you earned your death
That epiphany’s long overdue!
Better pick out all your final words carefully
Fought too many folks that wasted em on screams!
Right ‘round here the mood changes up usually!
Could this battle be a strange and scary dream?
Might be a dream fight. Promise you’re not sleeping
But in a minute you’ll sleep for all time!
Take me down? Yeah right, I’ve been tallykeeping!
And for this whole fight, I’ve matched all your rhymes!
Maybe you’ll mess up before I blow it!
I’m the best, fess up, everyone knows it!
Guessin’ it would be nicer, goin’ that way!
Singin’ perfectly, no matter what you say!
Sure, you can mimic, but try this on for size!
In this to win it, goin’ for the top prize!
Light it up go to the solo!
Got this far, let’s do it, YOLO!
Don’t know what you thought would happen
When you challenged me to rappin’
[BF + Whitty]
You had made it pretty clear
(Whitty: I had made it pretty clear)
That you were doin’ alright out here
(Whitty: That I was doin’ alright out here)
You’ve had lots of time to learn
You wasted it on sad ice-cold burns!
[Whitty + BF] (BF’s lines)
I’ve reached the end of your rope
(Whitty:you’ve reached the end of my rope!)
Time for my one last glimmer of hope!
(Whitty: give up your one last glimmer of hope!)
Wait a second, man, your story!
How you lost your former glory!
[Whitty + BF]
When the girlfriend’s parents burst in
Riled me up and brought my worst in
(BF:Riled you up and brought your worst in)
What if they were just short sighted
Thought you’d save the deal, ignited!
[Whitty+ BF]
Then when things turned out all rotten
I ran off left them forgotten?
(BF: you ran off left them forgotten?)
Yo, there it is!
That whole epiphany thing I just mentioned!
You got messed up
But Girlfriend’s parents had good intentions!
Sure they coulda dropped a line
And tried to tell ya they didn’t mean it but
How would they ever find
You when you live in a shortcut?
(Whitty; Shut up!)
Girlfriend could ring her folks
(Whitty: It’s not true!)
And you guys could talk things through now!
Though it might bring back a few bad times…
It’s up to you now!
(Whitty: They both)
Do you wanna start anew
(Whitty: Brainwashed you!)
Or do you want to hide out until ya die?
So whatcha gonna do
Would it really kill ya to try?
I don’t care whether they meant it
Time is ticking, make your peace, char
I just helped you solve your problem!
Why can’t you calm down and solve ours!
Got a whole lot more to hide from
Focus on what you’ve started!
I did everything I could, man
Think it’s time we departed!
Even if you started running now
You wouldn’t get far
Least my voice
Least my voice doesn’t sound like a broken thrift shop guitar!
Dang, that’s actually a good one
Stop right there, make those your last words
C’mon man this battle’s over
And I won it everyone heard!
[BF] (spoken)
Ha ha! Yes!
I found the solution, survived the hyper fast unbeatable technique
And now I’ve got it down pat!
[Whitty] (spoken)
It’s not unbeatable because it’s fast...
It’s unbeatable because of what happens next
I’m overheating...
Can’t stop...
About to turn this place into the Grand Canyon
Just like the venue
And the recording studio...
Wait.. That’s what you meant when you said you blew it?
That’s why nobody’s ever recorded your unbeatable technique?