(Peppino, _Gustavo_, **Mr. Stick**, _**Gustavo and Mr. Stick**_ "PIZZA FACE")P P P P P P P (Multiple P's) Pizza time... (Spooderman 2 refrence) you'll be fine.. you can('t) breathe... (Peppino starts turning into the main character from turning red) til' you leave... (R.I.P. aka Rest in Peppino) (les go back shall we?) THERES STILL ONE MORE TOPPEIN TO COLLEeEeEeEeEcct?! ok, (INHALE) you gon be okaykayak pepPAINno, its just 20,000 TOPPINS and ur so fast! PP time! ill be fine! once that final toppin is-a miIiiiiIiI+__)!@ i can't breath, when i leave i still got sum tricks left up my sleeeEEEEEEEEE+_!@!) _ISA ME, MARIO (mama mia seizure)_ **BETTA FLEE!**(dont a worry) **MISTAH πŸ‡΅EE**(ima hurry) **TALK IS CHEAP AND BUCKETS ARENT FREE(buckets cost 69.00$)**(just one quick stop before i drop) GOTTA MAKE IT I CANT TAKE IT OUTTA MY WAY (_**U SHOULD VEER OVER HERE PIZZA ARMAGEDDON IS NE-**_) α΅’Κ³ ΚΈα΅’α΅˜'Λ‘Λ‘ ᡃˑˑ ᡖᡃʸ SHUT YOU MOM ILL GET OUT I JUST GOTA GO ANOTHER ROUUUUTTE π†πŽπ“ 𝟐 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐂 PATHS IVE TREKKD OR MY RANKING'S GONNA BE A β“…ee rank? buddy youa cooccu craze IS IT THERE? WHERE OH WHERE OH WHERE OH WHERE OH WHERE OH WHERE OH WHERE IMA GONA LOSE ANOTHER toppin! (toppin loss and EYYOOOOWWWW) WHERE DID YOU GET OFF TOO? (where you hidin at you stupid ass mushroom) I JUST BURNED A MINUTE IM A SCREWED (OH FUKCK I WASTED A MINUTE MY ASS = GRASS *peppino's secret rap career* β“…ee rank? buddy youa cooccu craze (didn't we heer this before?) IM GONNA GET A P RANK OR A P RANK IF IM LAZY (im too good at this so im still gonna get a p rank nonetheless) THRES SO MUCH MORE TO GRAB BUT MARONE IM IN A CAB (my fat as is in some bacon mf's car) COVERED IN THIS PIZZA CHEESE MAKES IT RLLY HARD TO BREATHE (also im covered in pizza for some reason) UP AND DOWN AND ALL AR *vine boom* (SONC ADVENTURE REFRENCE :O) gotta B a ghost to make the most out of this ghost town (lmao im ded) (bepeino bozo) THERES A BONUS JUST OUT OF- (CHEESINO WHERE U GOING *cheesino is ascending* HI FORKNIGHT FROM TDID YTP *cheesino ascends some more* RECD WAT?!) feelin liek myself tday gon get dat thing (whos this guy he gon throw a chikn wing at my fat as mouth) MAMA MIA dats a spicy meataball (AAAAAAA MY FGUCKJGJG MOUTH IT BURNS IT IS EN FUEGO thats spanish what) godda get the toppeins or ill never beat the boss (WHY THE FDFHD ISMY MOUTH STILL BURNING) but ima think i just got funiculi funiculost (but ima think i just made an italian pun) where am i (THE PIZZA TOWER IS THAT NOT OBVIOUS) hey u guys? DID U SPLIT AND LEAVE ME HERE TO DIE (gugavo how could you forgetgavo) ive got four (i only have 4 FOUR of my childrens) wats one more (*pinapl cry* f in the chat for pineapple with shades "i have crippling depression") (*epic italian mashup*) dis mani flees too match for meem a chef with a funneh accent makin da pizza and calzon and pazta and evrthing but the rent but piece of face will nuke mah place if i dont stop em in his trekks so hurri peppino or theres gonna be nowhere left u can relax da ranking can suck it ill kick a the bucket if i dont refoccus my dash its not like ill leave with a giant reprieve from anxiety or even cash tomatos and sausages taken as hostages all dat for a primo price but mr stick so grubbing and slick i doubt hell leave me a slice forget it find da exit you have got 2 save ur skin you won't be a wreck once attached to ur neck IS THE SPECIAL GUEST MORT DA CHIKEN?!(MORT THE CHICKEN?!) be SCARED not ALMOST THERE, THERES A MINUTE LEFT TO SPAEER wheres my squad? (where yall at) OH MY GOD WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH (wario referenc go burr) (THE GIANT 3D PEPPINO if i gonna press dis buttun i can get more) sumthing scouring da tower poor peppeeenos in a bind giant pizza out to get him HES A GONNA LOSE HIS MIND but theres nothing he can do if he can not find his crew GUSGAVO WERE IS U (italian chokes on "milk" while evil noise bot watches) waiting hesitating til my co*vine boom* runs out of time (waiting hesitating till your WHAT runs out of time?!) instant failure if he gets me WHY R U SO HARD 2 FIND?! (instant failure if he touches me [?]HY [?]E [?]OU [?] H[?]D [?][?][?]D?!) if u wanna get ur cash u had better double dash (if u wanna get paid, you best be RUNNING,) mister steeck (MR. 🦯) πŸ††πŸ…·πŸ…΄πŸ†πŸ…΄ πŸ…°πŸ†πŸ…΄ πŸ†ˆπŸ…ΎπŸ†„ (πŸ…¦πŸ…—πŸ…”πŸ…‘πŸ…” πŸ…πŸ…‘πŸ…” πŸ…¨πŸ…žπŸ…€) _**were not bailed! we just jailed! hurry up get out Be4 u faiill (wario land sound effect get out before ya FALE)**_ **bring dat doug**(bring dat do) _let it go_(letit g o ) _**PICK IT UP PEPPEINOU UR 2 SLOOOW(GET YO FAT AS IN HERE BEFORE PIECE OF FACE APPEARS AND TOUCHES YOU)**_ you got ita ill be ri- (okey dokey then let me get my-) *double vine boom* wait. THERE IT IIISSS DA LAST TOPPEIN(poggers moment) _**PEPPAINNO ARE U INSANE?!(PAPITO R U IN S A N E ? !)**_ (gusgavo le gasp) YAAAAAAAAA-AAAAY (*peppino's fast, intense, motion blurred seizure intensifies*) PP TIME IM JUST FIEN NOW THAT FINAL TOPPIN IS A MiiiNE I CANT BREATHE WHEN I LEAVE I STILL GOT SOME TRICKS LEFT UP MY SLEEEEeEVE(i can't breathe when i leave my excitement's drippling down my sleev- oops wrong cover) SECONDS LEFT TIL MY DEATHB UT THERES NO MORE TOPPINS TO COLLECT (even more seizure) THERES DA DOOR SAEF FOR SURE i dunt haev to stay here anymououououre ok. (3 hoursa dozens of atemptsa) i gotta da toppins (unfortunately a gerome) *geROAST* i gota the ranking, i gotato the door. pizzaface can suck m- (*he appeareth*) "NOPE" AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH