A Lovely Four Bedroom, One-Story Home in Alta Terra
Well I was seventeen and she was eighteen
She bought me cigarettes and pipes
Then I turned eighteen, I didn't need her
So we said our goodbyes
Then I was nineteen and you were twenty-one
You bought me thirty packs of PBR
But I'm still twenty so I still need you
But you're so very far
If I could say one thing to you it would be
Please come home
'Cause I've drank too much tonight
I don't wanna be alone
I was your go-to you were my leafy greens
You kept me healthy when I didn't wanna be
And now without you here
There's a pack of camel crush on my coffee table
If I could say one thing to you it would be
Please come home
'Cause I've got this ounce of weed
I don't wanna be alone
But I know you're off to bigger and better things
Just don't forget about Ryan and me
I know you're off to better things
And I'll be twenty she'll still be eighteen
She'll have to fight on her own
But you can't make her scream hallelujah
Unless you leave her alone
If I could say one thing to you it would be
I'm coming home
But I've driven too long tonight on the same goddamn road
But I know you're off to bigger and better things
Just don't forget about you and me
I know you're off to better things