[Verse 1]
Blue, it was lagoon blue
Your 57 Ford Anglia, you picked me up in it
Your horned rimmed glasses get in the way
So we do air kisses, let me breathe you in
In the time it takes for two ticks to go blue
It seems I'm smitten, it seems I'm into you
He does it on purpose, he wants to make me wait
I could wait a lifetime for him
He says he likes the way I say his name
And I like the way he says mine
I choose you with grace
I choose you with sensitivity
I choose to rеveal
Day after day
[Verse 2]
It was blue, cеrulean blue
We watch the tankers fade from our view
He asks nothing of me, I ask of nothing of him
Let the shore we walk on guide us
He says he likes the way I sigh
When his hand brushes against mine
I choose you with grace
I choose you with sensitivity
I choose to reveal
Day after day
I choose you with love
I choose you with hunger in my heart
I choose you today and all of the days
And if you feel overwhelmed
If you're prone to doubt, to apprehend
Take my hand, run with me
Let's feel the blood in our cheeks
This break of routine
Has shown me how great these days can be
It's made me forget everything
This day by your side
Has shown me how sweet this world can be
You've made me forget everything
If I could just steal these hours from days
To feel you with me in every way
And I feel right by your side
The night descends so we head in
To watch a Japanese animation
I fall asleep on your sleeve
With those three words in my dreams