Zander vs Stan rap battle #2

Dear I’m to good to call or write the stans. This is the last package I ever send your ass. Wait. Do you have one shit. Your raps ain’t a hit. I can feel it. I just took a pic. I have a big dick. These raps are made from scratch. I cut your eye and now you need a patch. I ain’t you match
Fuck. Don’t say I suck
Sorry did I offend you. Are you gonna sue. Damn. This took 2 beers and I ate a sandwich mixed
With jam


Your at me again
Cause you didn’t win
Not my fault Yours didn't make sense
And you did it again
What does your dick have to do with this?
You probably want someone to swallow
But you have no one to follow
And check this out
Ready to go at
What your throwing at me
Baby i’m ready
You wanna know the real truth
About how i think about you
Well ask me
Now it’s my end
Your truly, your friend