See I remember being in school yeah
Used to have a little fricken shitty Android and shit
And my boy K
Was always bluetoothing music to me at the back of the class you feel me
This is primary school we were about in 4th class then
Eminem's EP
The Curtain Call
He sent me all of that
K.Dot - Kendrick Lamar
He sent me all of that
Went home yeah
Listened to all that shit
Man had no WiFi at home so I just kept on listening to the lyrics
Eminem all that shit
Every Eminem song on the album I know it off by heart boy
Just kept on listening
His flow his diversity everything man
He got me into rap man
I was a little singer when I was younger but
The voice cracked you know what I mean when you get older and shit
And I got into rap man
But I was different back then I was a storyteller
I still am a storyteller that’s my roots like
And then it just changed me you feel me just listening to the pain
And everything that goes on in rap you feel me
Like rap is a street genre man
You get me?
Now it's commercial and shit you feel me
But rap is a street genre
Rap is meant for the streets
Rap is more
Appreciated in the streets if you understand what I'm saying
A lot of n***as ask me
Now Oh-Jay what’s your goal
Like what's your ambition you know what yeah
You know what I tell them
I wanna be the great-
Fuck that man I already am the fucking greatest man
You get me
That's not even on some cocky shit man
Like no one can walk like me
No one can talk like me, rap like me, sing like me
No one can dance like me
Cuz' there not me innit
So I am the greatest
I'm the greatest at what I do
Cuz' no one can do it like me you feel me?
That's on the real man
Don't let that get over your head
On one note innit
A lot of n***as saying
“I wanna make it out the ends”
And all this shit
That’s cool. High hopes
Be ambitious boy
That’s what you wanna be man
But while your in your fucking ends
What you doing to help your community
What the fuck you doing to help your community boy
You wake up every morning
The fuck you doing man
You get me
There's charities out there man
You feel me
What you doing to help your community
I don’t see you doing fuck all to help your community
And then if you blow
What you gonna do
Ugh I'm Waterford boy and all this shit
What did you do for Waterford tho
What did you do for your own ends tho
Fuck all
I don't want that in my curtain
You've seen me on the TV
You’ve seen me on the news
You hear me on the radio
You've seen me on the newspaper
I coach
I rap
I work
You see me around the ends
I wanna be Waterford's Crystal
I want young g's in 20 years to be like you know what yeah
Oh-Jay did something for his county
That's the mindset
Well that's my mindset anyway
What's yours?