Wyte Knight
I’m Me
I am me
Death sets me free
I want to believe
Am I set free
Death 's grips around me
But I'm only me
Am I free

I am me
Death sets me free
I want to believe
Am I set free
Death 's grips around me
But I'm only me
Am I free

{Verse 1}
Let me tell you when I wake up I hate myself
I the mirror always mention it until it makes me hate myself
All I see is a bunch of cuts from my past
Catching up to make me slash
Finding out that I ‘m different
And everybody else is normal
Insecurities plaguing my inner thoughts
I tell myself I hate these thoughts
But I can’t ignore the cuts I want
I can’t ignore the mirror
Every morning with the same face
Every morning with the same fate
The same thoughts in my head
I just wanna go back to bed
Sleep away in the clouds
Seeing my body and saying what a loser
Then I wake up with no tears
Because when you live with fears
Your not scared anymore
Broken and beaten for sure
By myself is not depression
Or maybe it is depression
I won’t tell but show as usual
If I do these lines I’m going backwards
I know that and I won’t give in
Until myself is forgiven
I wanna see the blood running down
Without looking at the mirror
Feeling looking at the satisfaction of my inner thoughts
Then I see nothing in the mirror
Now I feel upset
My brain telling me you will regret
I guess regretting cutting something
That doesn't need to be cut
Then I talk with this every night
Even myself I can hear it

{Verse 2}
A please is all I can say
The answer is always the same
Shame on me for thinking this way
My mom says I’m not normal
I agree and thats why shes gone
She doesn’t wanna see it
And I don’t either
So I’m sorry to myself
Its not true tho
I forgive myself for a week
Deeper and deeper is another week
Waking again I'm realizing I'm weak
Whatever let it go
I tread going to school
Friends runaway with this feelings
They don’t want my feelings
They don’t want the same energy
Staring at tiled floor
Its creeping myself out
The kid that everybody stays away from
He might shoot us up
A description of a school shooter
So they think without the facts
Not understanding the facts

{Verse 3}
(Cha, facts)
Are you alive or dead
No one comforts the feelings
No one runs away from the feelings
I guess I’ll go to class walking this way
At least I will be noticed
And be left alone
My head screams leave me alone
My mouth says nothing
My heart cries for help
Whatever its the end of the day
On the bus thoughts of weapons to use
Flashes of different gravestones
A quiet smile on my face
Now I start to believe in faith
Thank you god I can do this
I get off and go to the mirror
I give it a kiss
While I’m smiling at it
It sees a bottle of pills known to kills
Theres a knife in his hand
Theres blood on his wrist
Why the hell is he smiling
Is he doing what I think he is doing
I hear this and respond
Its my only way out
You made me feel bad for myself
So I’m going to help myself out
Now I see flashes of my life
It starts to fade to black
Then it comes back
Fading to white
I see my hands with nothing on them
I get up and knock on moms door
Crying on my little sister’s shoulder
Mom asking whats going on
I say three words
I’m Still Here

I am me
Death sets me free
I want to believe
Am I set free
Death 's grips around me
But I'm only me
Am I free

Am I free