Wyte Knight
Good Guy Mentality Skit
{George The Priest}
I believe that your right
We should respect the dead
Weather they are in heaven or not

I agree with you
But do you respect the dead little boys in your backyard

{George The Priest}
Can you please stop mentioning that

Fucking with you is funnier than a pair of fucking titties
Having one nipple going left and the other going right
You know fucking east and west

{George The Priest}
Your horrible you know

I know I fucking am
I'm also a fucking unicorn
How about that
I identify as a fucking pizza
Cuz I am what I eat

{George The Priest}
Besides that
When you were doing this lean did you have any love ones to stop you tho

If I’m being honest with you no
I didn’t even have a girlfriend to stop me
If I had a girlfriend maybe
Just maybe
I might have love her
Instead of the lean
And put my love towards her more

{George The Priest}
Why would you be distracted by a girl?

Well because I wouldn’t have done it
Simple enough
But the girl I was in love with didn’t love me back
And I might have gotten my addiction worse
If I was actually with her
Cuz she does more drugs than the people I know where I live
Well she lives here too

{George The Priest}
I’m glad that you didn’t go with this girl
But how come you didn’t get into a relationship with her

Because I was into little boys eheh

{George The Priest}
Seriously tho

I put the fucking girl on a pedestal
What else do you want more
I wanted a fantasy of fucking spending the rest of my life with her
While I was being the nice guy
As the good guy mentality
Was in my fucking brain

{George The Priest}
What is this mentality

Eh are you fucking kidding me
Oh thats right your a priest
You get no pussy
No pussy for you
Well let me use this as an example