Wyte Knight
I Don’t Want A Medal Skit
{George The Priest}
You know Jeremiah this fetish is not normal
You do know this right
I do know this and I don’t fucking care
Do you expect me to change something that I want
{George The Priest}
I actually believe you can
Like taking care of your family
Dam bruh
Fucking bodage shit set a side
I love my fucking siblings
And I would do anything for them
{George The Priest}
Would you tho
What kind of a fucking question is that
I would fucking do anything for them
I never want them to become me
You understand
{George The Priest}
Why wouldn’t you want them to become you
Because I’m a fucking terrible person
I’ve done so much shit that
I even did shit to my own fucking family
{George The Priest}
You care to explain to me all this