Wyte Knight
The Sin Of Greed Skit
And this gym incident really made me hate myself
I got angry over something so small

As a god dam ball to the face
What in the actual fuck

{George The Priest}
Its ok Jeremiah
I'm pretty sure everybody has gotten angry over something small
I know myself
I got angry over stubbing my toe this morning
I collected myself and moved forward

No its not ok
I hate getting angry all the time
Its fucking eats me alive
Just like I'm fucking greedy
Taking money that ain't mine

{George The Priest}
What do you mean

I'm talking about one of the fucking deadly sins dude

{George The Priest}
Hold yourself together
Greed is a sin
I agree with that
Now tell me now how this issue of stealing eats you alive
As you say it does

Fuck alright
I don't fucking care about anything other than money
Just like when I was young