[Act 1: The Stage]
Soldier: All men gave some. Some men gave more than some. I will not tolerate failure on my team.
Heavy: We must collect money!
20: [unintelligible]
Soldier: [laughs]
Soldier: We have to do it, men. For time, for Laszlo Babbans!
[unknown voice]: No! No—
Spy: Jesus Christ!
20: [unintelligible]
Soldier: Stop! I will rip off your head and give you some advice!
Soldier: [evil laugh]
30: Pootis! Pootis! Pootis! Pootis!
Heavy: Yes.
Spy: Skinny fat!
Spy: You suck!
Soldier: One! Two! Thr—
Heavy: Pow! Haha!
Engineer: God!
Spy: Bum ba bum bum ba bum bum—
Engineer: Wha-wha-wha?
Spy: If you speak of this, I will kill you.
20: [unintеlligible]
20: Hah!
Spy: This is not a trick.