Cap peeler, soul stealer
Strapped up I'm that death dealer
Cut your tongue straight out your mouth
That's my evidence concealer
Leave no trace, show no face
Erase all fingerprints and D.N.A. before I make my getaway
Meet your doomsday
Psychotic the thoughts, filling my head
Satanic crusades watching blood being shed
Running my fade got a price on your head
Revive you like Christ, then I kill you again
Again and again, I'm making your luck
Pulling the strings, your mind I corrupt
Killing em' bury em' under the shop
Under the dirt make it hurt where you rot
Doomsday meet your doomsday
Now you fade away
Look me dead up in my eyes the 9 make you disintegrate
Doomsday meet your doomsday
Now you fade away
Look me dead up in my eyes the 9 make you disintegrate
Doomsday meet your doomsday
Now you fade away
Look me dead up in my eyes the 9 make you disintegrate
Doomsday meet your doomsday
Now you fade away
Look me dead up in my eyes the 9 make you disintegrate