Kathryn Hahn
We Interrupt This Program (Script)

A reel plays with clips from the previous episode.


Cut to black. Distant voices are heard.

MARIA: No, I can’t. I can’t leave Monica.

MONICA: It’s okay, I can stay with grandma.

Fade in on dust floating around in the air.

MONICA: Maybe I’ll build a spaceship. I wanna be an aircraft pilot.

CAPTAIN MARVEL: When they were handing out kids, they gave her the toughest one.

The dust materializes into Monica.

CAPTAIN MARVEL: Lieutenant Trouble.

Monica gasps and looks up. She looks down as her hands materialize. The shot cuts back and shows her in a hospital room. She looks at the empty bed beside hеr. Muffled noise can be hеard elsewhere in the hospital. She opens the door of the room and the chaotic noise of the hospital grows louder. A woman materializes in front of her. she turns down the hall and more people materialize. She bumps into a doctor.

MONICA: Excuse me-
DOCTOR 1: They’re all coming back, we don’t have the capacity.

He walks away. She looks in an open room and sees a man materialize next to a woman on a bed. More people materialize. She bumps into another doctor.

MONICA: Excuse me, excuse me, I’m looking for a patient. In room 104-

DOCTOR 2: Who, my wife? Do you have a phone?


DOCTOR 2: I have to call my wife.

He walks away. She looks around as more people materialize and accidentally bumps into a man right as he appears. They both fall to the ground.

DOCTOR 3: Let me help you.

MONICA: Are you okay? You okay. Take it.

The doctor comes over and helps the man up.

DOCTOR 3: I got him, I got it.

Monica gets up.

MONICA: Are you okay?
The doctor leads him away. Monica turns to a doctor at a desk.

MONICA: Excuse me, I’m looking for a patient in room 104.

DOCTOR 4: I don’t know what to tell you.

The doctor turns away from Monica. Monica steps back and looks around, disoriented.

DR. HARLEY: Monica?

Monica turns and sees Dr. Harley approach.

MONICA: Oh, Dr. Harley, thank God.

DR. HARLEY: I can’t believe it.

MONICA: Uh, I was-

DR. HARLEY: Where did you go?

MONICA: Well, I’ve been in her room since she came back from the surgery. I mean, I might’ve fallen asleep, but no longer than twenty minutes. Dr. Harley, where’s my mom.

DR. HARLEY: Your mom… She died, honey.

MONICA: What? No, no, no, no, no, you’re mistaken. My, my mother, the procedure went well. You said so yourself. Clear margins. You’re discharging her today.
DR. HARLEY: The cancer came back.

MONICA: Okay, stop, stop. No, you’re… My mom is Maria Rambeau. Look it up, I mean…

She turns back to the desk.

MONICA: Look it up, Maria Rambeau!

The doctor at the desk ignores her. Dr. Harley grabs Monica’s arm.

DR. HARLEY: Monica, I don’t understand what’s happening, but you need to listen to me. Maria died three years ago.

MONICA: Three? No, no, no, no, you-

DR. HARLEY: Which was two years after you…

MONICA: After I what? After I what?

DR. HARLEY: After you disappeared.



An establishing shot shows the headquarters from afar. Cut inside. Monica walks in. She attempts to swipe an ID card to open a door, but it gives a negative beep in response. A guard at a desk waves at her.

SECURITY GUARD: Ma’am, over here, please.

Monica walks over.

MONICA: Hi, good morning. I work here, and-

SECURITY GUARD: If you did, your badge would work, wouldn't it.

MONICA: Right. Um, I have a meeting with-

HAYWARD: Hey, you know who this is?

Hayward walks over.

MONICA: -this guy.

HAYWARD: Captain Monica Rambeau.

MONICA: Director Tyler Hayward.

They shake hands.

HAYWARD: Acting director. You haven’t aged a day.

MONICA: And you look old as hell.

HAYWARD: Come on, let’s catch you up.

He leads her through the doors. She pauses to look at a plaque of her mom on the way.

HAYWARD: It’s been three weeks and you’re the first to report. Can’t say I’m surprised, captain.

MONICA: How are the numbers for the astronaut training program?

HAYWARD: Dismal. Lost half my personnel in the Blip, and half of those remaining have lost their nerve. The program hasn’t been the same since you’ve been up there, Rambeau.

They pass through a large warehouse where various things are being built.

HAYWARD: Shifted away from manned missions and refocused on robotics, nanotech, AI. Sentient weapons, like it says on the door.

MONICA: It also says observation and response on that door, not creation.

HAYWARD: World’s not the same as you left it. Space is now full of unexpected threats.

MONICA: Always was full of threats, and allies.

They arrive at Hayward’s office and stop in the hallway.

HAYWARD: Listen, Monica, I just want to acknowledge the awkwardness of the situation. I know S.W.O.R.D.’s your home. Your mom built this place from the ground up. you grew up here. You should’ve been here to help name the replacement.

MONICA: You were the obvious choice.

HAYWARD: I was the only choice.

MONICA: I wasn’t gonna say it. Look, Tyler, you know the job you have to do. I’m here to do mine.

HAYWARD: Let’s get you back out there.

They enter his office.

HAYWARD: The F.B.I. is in a tizzy over a missing persons case up in Jersey-

MONICA: Missing persons?

HAYWARD: I know. But they have requested use of one of our imaging drones, and I need a chaperone.

MONICA: Tyler, drones usually chaperone me.

HAYWARD: I get it.

MONICA: Look, if this is because of… You don’t have to worry about me. I’m good.

HAYWARD: There’s no easy way to say this, but you’re grounded.

MONICA: I’m sorry, what?

HAYWARD: Terrestrial missions only.

MONICA: You’re kidding. For how long? Whose protocol is this?

HAYWARD: Your mother’s. She implemented guidelines in the event vanished personnel ever returned. Look, I know it’s a raw deal, but there is one positive takeaway.

MONICA: What’s that?

HAYWARD: She believed you’d come back. You’d be doing me a big favor with this F.B.I. thing, but if you need more time-

MONICA: No. No, I’m good to go.

HAYWARD: Excellent.

He hands her a file.

HAYWARD: Keep me updated, captain.

She walks away. Cut to shots of her driving. She leaves S.W.O.R.D. and heads into New Jersey, taking an exit ramp to get to Westview. When she pulls up, Jimmy Woo is talking to two local cops. She gets out of her car and Jimmy approaches her.

JIMMY: James E. Woo, F.B.I.

He pulls out a card.

MONICA: Monica Rambeau, S.W.O.R.D.

She takes his card.

MONICA: What’s the story here, Agent Woo?

JIMMY: I’ve got a witness set up down the road in Westview, and this morning, it looked like he flew the coop.

MONICA: Your missing person is in the Witness Protection Program?

JIMMY: I have contacted known associates, relatives-

MONICA: And let me guess, none of them have seen him either?

JIMMY: No. None of them have ever heard of him. Something seemed hanky to me, so I took the first flight out of Oakland to interface with local law enforcement, which is when I encountered a new wrinkle.

MONICA: What is that?

He nods over to the two cops. They walk over.

JIMMY: Pardon me, Sheriff, would you mind repeating your claim about Westview to my colleague here?

SHERIFF: No such place.

The “Welcome To Westview” sign is scene right behind him.

MONICA: You’re saying the town of Westview, New Jersey, doesn’t exist?

SHERIFF: It’s what I keep telling your G-Man here, but he won’t listen?

MONICA: I see. And, um, I’m sorry, what town are you from?

SHERIFF: Eastview.

JIMMY: Thank you, Sheriff. I’ll reach out if we need any further assistance.

They walk away.

JIMMY: I, uh, pulled phone numbers for all the residents. I’m only through the Ds, but so far I got Diddly Squat.

MONICA: So, you can’t reach anyone inside, and everyone on the outside has some sort of selective amnesia?

JIMMY: This isn’t a missing persons case, Captain Rambeau, it’s a missing town. Population three thousand, eight hundred, and ninety two.

MONICA: Why haven’t you gone inside to investigate?

JIMMY: Cause it doesn’t want me to. You can feel it too, can’t you?

They stare down the road into Westview.

JIMMY: Nobody’s supposed to go in.

Monica pops her trunk and pulls out a small helicopter drone. She sets it up.

MONICA: What about you?

JIMMY: Me? Well, I’m from Bakersfield, originally. Growing up, other kids had Michael Jordan posters on their walls, but I had Eliot Ness.

MONICA: No, no, no, no, I mean, why is it that you have an awareness of Westview? Or me, for that matter?

She begins to fly the drone into the town.

MONICA: Is it because we are outside of a certain radius, or maybe because we don’t have a personal connection?


The camera view of the drone begins to get static. They look up and see the drone missing.

MONICA: Wait, where’d it go?

JIMMY: It was right there.

They walk closer to the town. Monica spots a buzzing energy field.

JIMMY: What is it?

MONICA: Some sort of energy field.

She walks closer and reaches out towards it.

JIMMY: Careful, Rambeau.

She sticks her hand in and sees the effect on her hand.

JIMMY: Captain Rambeau. Watch it. Rambeau!

She sticks her hand in further and is suddenly pulled inside of the energy field.

JIMMY: Captain Rambeau! Captain Rambeau!

Cut to a vehicle driving down the same road Monica drove in on. Text on screen reads, “24 HOURS LATER.” Cut inside the vehicle. Two people sit in the front seats. The camera pans past a man to Darcy. She looks around at the other passengers.


Across from her and the man next to her are another man and woman. The man looks at her.

DARCY: What’s your field?

MAN 1: We’re not supposed to talk to each other.

DARCY: Hm. Boy Scout leader. Got it.

She turns to the woman.

DARCY: And you?

WOMAN: Nuclear Biology.

Darcy turns to the man next to her.

MAN 2: Artificial Intelligence.

DARCY: Astrophysics. We got the full clown car. It means whatever the threat is, S.W.O.R.D. clearly has no idea what they’re dealing with.

MAN 1: I’m a chemical engineer.

DARCY: No one cares.

DRIVER: Alright, grab your gear.

The vehicle stops. The back doors open to a full S.W.O.R.D. camp. Darcy walks around and passes Hayward. The camera pans up to show more of the base. Text comes on screen which reads, “S.W.O.R.D. RESPONSE BASE/OUTSIDE WESTVIEW, NJ.” Cut back to Darcy as she walks and looks around. A S.W.O.R.D. agent approaches her.

AGENT: Ms. Lewis.

DARCY: Dr. Lewis.

AGENT: We have your gear set up inside.

She follows him into a building. She watches out of a window as some other agents fly a drone into the energy field, causing the drone to disappear.

DARCY: Those drones you’re sending in, what kind of data are you getting?

AGENT: I’m afraid that’s highly classified.

DARCY: You can’t see anything?

He doesn’t respond. She puts her bag down.

DARCY: F.B.I., Army. I saw the Air Force Office of Special Investigations out there.

She sets down a briefcase.

DARCY: Research Lab, Space Command, too. A bona fide, joint, multi-service response. Really looking forward to the commemorative T-shirt. Is there somewhere a lady could get a cup of coffee?

She fiddles with a device.

DARCY: You guys look like you might get down with those little pod things. Horrendous for the environment.

AGENT: Make your assessment, please.

She finishes setting up and looks at the data.

DARCY: Woah. I mean… Woah.

AGENT: What’re you getting?

DARCY: A colossal amount of CMBR.


DARCY: Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.

AGENT: We’ve been told the radiation is within a safe limit.

DARCY: Uh, it is for now.

AGENT: Wait, what do you mean-

She shushes him.

DARCY: There are longer wavelengths superimposed over the noise here.

She looks around and struggles to lift a large device onto the desk.

DARCY: I got it.

She hooks it up to something. Grainy images appear on a screen. The agent leans over and watches. An image of Wanda barely registers for a moment.

DARCY: I need a TV. An old one. Like, not flat.

Cut to some time later. Some agents in radiation suits walk out of a building. A lowering device is situated over an open sewer. Hayward stands next to it as an agent approaches.

HAYWARD: You good to go?

FRANKLIN: Yes, sir.

HAYWARD: These sewers will take you straight into town. Try to find anything you can on Rambeau.

FRANKLIN: Copy that.

Franklin eases himself down into the sewers. Another agent winds out a cable hooked to Franklin. A man speaks to Franklin on a radio.

MAN: Agent Franklin. We’re gonna keep this channel open for you.


Cut back out of the sewers.

HAYWARD: Keep me updated.

Hayward walks away. Jimmy follows.

JIMMY: Director Hayward, between you, me, and the bedpost, I am not confident about this mission.

HAYWARD: Thanks for the feedback, Jimmy. If only my drones were as forthcoming.

They enter a nearby tent.

JIMMY: There’s no reason to suspect the perimeter doesn’t extend subterraneously.

HAYWARD: There’s no reason to suspect it does.

JIMMY: We don’t know enough about the nature of the threat to send in another agent when the first is yet to return.

They arrive in a control room.

HAYWARD: Someone must really miss you back in Quantico.

JIMMY: No, sir. Softball season’s over, sir.

HAYWARD: What do we have up?

AGENT: Radar, lidar, sodar, infrared.

HAYWARD: Cycle through.

The agent displays data on a holographic table as well as screens around the room. Hayward looks around.

HAYWARD: Will someone get me a useful visual, damn it?

Audience laughter is suddenly heard nearby.

HAYWARD: What is that?

Dialogue from episode one is heard distantly.

HAYWARD: Who’s doing that?

Every in the room turns over to Darcy, who’s watching the first episode on a T.V.

WANDA: Who are those people?

VISION: What are you wearing?

WANDA: Why are they here?

VISION: What are you wearing?

Jimmy, Hayward, and other agents come over to watch Darcy’s monitor.

WANDA: Well, it’s our anniversary?

VISION: Our anniversary of what?

WANDA: Well, if you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you!

JIMMY: Is that…?

DARCY: Yeah, it looks like her.

WANDA: You move at the speed of sound, and I can make a pen float through the air. Who needs to abbreviate?

DARCY: Look, I know it’s been a crazy few years on this planet, but he’s dead, right? Not blipped, dead.

VISION: Excellent plan. Where’s the tenderizer?

HAYWARD: What am I looking at? You, what is this? Where’s this coming from?

DARCY: Out there.

AGNES: You didn’t answer the back door. For your upside-down cake. Oh, hi! I-

HAYWARD: Is it authentic?

DARCY: I’m not sure how to answer that.

HAYWARD: Is it happening in real time? Is it recorded, fabricated?

DARCY: I don’t know, I don’t know, and I don’t know.

HAYWARD: What do you know?

DARCY: My equipment registered an extremely high level of CMBR. That’s-

HAYWARD: Relic radiation dating back to the big bang.

DARCY: Yeah, entwined was a broadcast frequency, so I had your goons pick me up a sweet vintage T.V., and when I plug this bad boy in, voila, sound and picture.

WANDA: Dinner is served.

JIMMY: So you’re saying the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers?

DARCY: It’s a working theory.

HAYWARD: Get me a transport back to headquarters now.

The agent Darcy talked to earlier scurries off.

HAYWARD: Are we recording this?

DARCY: Never stopped.

HAYWARD: I need immediate analysis. Now, people. Let’s go!

Everyone but Darcy and Jimmy scatter.

DARCY: He’s a charmer.

JIMMY: Great work.

DARCY: Hey, thanks!

Jimmy leaves.

DARCY: Maybe I could get that coffee now? Or not. That’s cool.

Darcy turns back to the show. Wanda and Vision kiss.


The shot cuts to Darcy’s monitor and then pulls back. She takes some notes, then closes her notebook and puts down her pen. Cut to an external shot of the main tent in the camp.

JIMMY: First and foremost our main objective is to get any intel on Captain Rambeau-

Cut inside. Someone wheels in some old fashioned televisions. The camera pans from them to Jimmy talking to a group of people including Darcy.

JIMMY: -but originally, this case was a missing person, so we’re going to start there. We’ve successfully identified two individuals inside the Westview anomaly.

He places pictures of Wanda and Vision on a board behind him.

JIMMY: Let’s keep going.

Cut to a shot from the first episode playing on a monitor.

MRS. HART: This guest is leaving your home.

Darcy types something on a computer. Cut to another monitor with a large hexagon. Cut to Jimmy writing on a whiteboard.

DARCY: Mr. and Mrs. Hart.

Jimmy turns to see Darcy holding up two pieces of paper.

DARCY: Played by Todd and Sharon Davis.

She places them beside the pictures of Wanda and Vision. Cut to someone watching a scene from the first episode where Norm talks to Vision.

NORM: Computational forms. And no one can process the data quite like you, pal.

AGENT: Agent Woo.

Jimmy turns and receives a file from the agent.

NORM: You’re like a walking computer!

JIMMY: Abhilash Tandon is Norm.

Jimmy puts Abhilash’s file up on the board. Cut to him writing on the whiteboard. Darcy continues working on her computer.

DARCY: Harold Copter is Jones.

Jimmy puts up another file.

JIMMY: We got Isabel Matsueida cast as Beverly.

Darcy puts up another file.

DARCY: John Collins as Herb.

Jimmy stares at the board. Darcy walks past a monitor and gasps, dropping her food. On the monitor is Monica as an extra in a shot.

DARCY: Does she seem okay to you?

JIMMY: Well, she doesn’t appear to be harmed in any way, but that is definitely not the boss lady I met yesterday.

DARCY: So, what, deep cover? Monica has to play along?

JIMMY: With whom? Or else, what? Alright. Brass tacks, Dr. Lewis. What are we looking at here? Is it an alternate reality? Time travel? Some cockamamie social experiment?

DARCY: It’s a sitcom. A 1950s sitcom.

JIMMY: But why?

DARCY: Hey, man, we’re working with the same scarcity of intel. But, listen, I do have an idea.

Cut outside. Darcy and Jimmy stand next to a truck with gear on the back.

DARCY: So, you've seen that radio on Wanda’s kitchen counter, right? The next time she’s washing dishes, which by my count happens about once an episode, barf, we’ll shoot a signal to that little guy. This transmitter will mimic the frequency of the broadcast, and if my theory is right, allow us to speak directly to her. This is totally gonna work.

Jimmy reaches for a machine.

DARCY: Don’t touch that.

AGENT: Agent Woo.

An agent approaches Jimmy with a file.

JIMMY: Is this from the current episode?

AGENT: Aired about two minutes ago.

DARCY: What is it?

JIMMY: What does it look like to you?

Darcy looks at the file and sees the mini-helicopter from episode two.

DARCY: Like a retro version of a S.W.O.R.D. drone?

JIMMY: Bingo.

DARCY: But how did it change? And why?

JIMMY: Uh, to go with the production design?

DARCY: Or render it useless.

JIMMY: Why’d you colorize it?

AGENT: I didn’t.

Darcy and Jimmy look at each other.

DARCY: Let’s get this show on the road.

Jimmy hands the file back to the agent, who leaves. Darcy sets up the transmitter and runs into a nearby tent. Jimmy puts on a headset. Cut inside the tent. Darcy puts on a headset of her own.

DARCY: Jimmy, you ready?

She sees him give a thumbs-up through a window.

JIMMY: Ready.

Darcy sits down at a nearby monitor and sees episode two playing.

DOTTIE: ...bigger and better every season.

DARCY: Uh, Jimmy, Monica is talking to Wanda. She’s got a speaking part now.

JIMMY: What is she saying?

GERALDINE: Those pants are peachy keen!

DARCY: She likes Wanda’s pants. Wanda’s at some sort of swim club. We’ve never been here before.

JIMMY: Is it the 60s still?

DARCY: Uh… Wanda’s with another character.

JIMMY: Real person.

WANDA: I can’t help but wonder if you and I haven’t gotten-

DARCY: Ooh, uh, radio on the side table. Start talking.

Jimmy speaks into the transmitter.

JIMMY: Wanda. Wanda, can you read me, over?

DOTTIE: I don’t-

JIMMY: Can she hear me?

DARCY: I don’t think so. Keep trying.

JIMMY: Wanda.

Radio distortion can be heard in the episode.

JIMMY: Wanda? Wanda? Who is doing this to you, Wanda? Wanda, can you hear me? I’m here to help you.

The episode suddenly cuts.

DOTTIE: Pop quiz, Wanda. How does a housewife get a bloodstain out of white linen?

DARCY: Wait.

JIMMY: What?

DARCY: I don’t know.

DOTTIE: By doing it herself.

DARCY: That was weird.

JIMMY: What was?

The episode cuts to commercial.

DARCY: Nothing. It’s over. Mission failure.

JIMMY: It was worth a try. Good effort, doctor.

DARCY: Yeah, come on in.

Jimmy takes off his headset and looks at the energy field.


Franklin continues his way through the sewers. A voice comes in over the radio.

MAN: Agent Franklin, we have you give meters outside of the perimeter.

The energy field shimmers ahead of Franklin. He passes through it. His radiation suit turns into a beekeeping suit, and the cable turns into a jump rope, which falls off of him.

MAN: Agent Franklin?

Back on the surface, they reel the cable back in. An agent picks up the jump rope and stares at it in confusion. Inside Westview, Franklin exits the sewers. He turns to black and white.

VISION: Wanda.

Franklin swivels. Wanda and Vision stand nearby.



Agents set up more old T.V.s. The third episode plays on some of them.

WANDA: Ooh, darling, do you think it’s time to-

VISION: Call the doctor?

WANDA: Yeah. Yes I do, dear.

Pan to Darcy and Jimmy watching the show.

DARCY: 1950s, 1960s, and now the ‘70s. Why does it keep switching time periods? It can’t be purely for my enjoyment, can it?

She eats some chips.

JIMMY: And I can’t believe Wanda and Vision are having a baby.

DARCY: You want any?

JIMMY: Heck, I thought about it for sure. A little Jimmy Woo. Get him a tiny little F.B.I. badge.

Darcy holds up her chips.

JIMMY: Oh, you… chip? Sure.

GERALDINE: You’re doing great. Look at me, look at me.

DARCY: The jig is up.

GERALDINE: It’s time to start pushing. You ready? Push, Wanda, push!

Darcy and Jimmy watch as Geraldine holds up a baby.

WANDA: Hi. Oh, he’s perfect.

DARCY: Twins. What a twist.

Jimmy looks at her.

DARCY: What? I’m invested.

GERALDINE: He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he.

They both swivel.

JIMMY: Did she just say the name Ultron? Has that happened before? A reference to our reality?

DARCY: No, never.

GERALDINE: Hey, I’ll take a shift rocking the babies.

WANDA: No, I think you should leave.

GERALDINE: Oh, Wanda, don’t be like that.

WANDA: Who are you?


DARCY: Wow, this is different.

The show abruptly cuts to Wanda and Vision holding the twins while the credits play.

JIMMY: What happened? Where’d she go?

DARCY: God, not again.

Darcy rewinds the show.

WANDA: Who are you?


The same abrupt cut occurs.

DARCY: There’s nothing here. One second, Monica is standing right there, and the next, she isn’t. Someone is censoring the broadcast.

JIMMY: But where’s Rambeau?

An alarm suddenly goes off.

P.A.: Alert! Boundary has been breached! Alert! Boundary has been breached!

The shot zooms in on Darcy’s monitor and cuts to the scene as it played out. Wanda continues cornering Geraldine.

WANDA: Who are you?


WANDA: Who are you?

GERALDINE: Wanda, I’m just your neighbor.

WANDA: Then how could you know about Ultron?

Wanda creates glowing red balls in her hands.

WANDA: You’re not my neighbor. And you’re definitely not my friend. You are a stranger and an outsider. And right now, you are trespassing here. And I want you to leave.

She sends Geraldine flying backwards through three walls and then out of Westview. Back inside, Wanda turns off her powers. She looks at the holes in the walls for a moment and then rebuilds them. The babies coo. She walks over to them. The door opens behind her. Vision enters in the background.

VISION: Wanda? Where is Geraldine?

Cut to Monica sitting in the grass outside Westview. Cars and agents pull up around her. Back inside, Wanda stares forward.

WANDA: Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home.

Wanda turns around. Vision is shown to have a massive wound in his head, the color drained from his face. Wanda gasps and looks away.

VISION: What? What is it? What’s wrong?

Wanda looks up again and Vision appears normal again.


VISION: We don’t have to stay here. We could go wherever we want.

WANDA: No, we can’t. This is our home.

VISION: Are you sure?

WANDA: Oh, don’t worry, darling. I have everything under control.

Back outside, an agent tends to Monica. Darcy and Jimmy run over.

JIMMY: Monica, are you okay?

MONICA: It’s Wanda. It’s all Wanda.

Back inside, Wanda picks up a twin.

WANDA: Well, what should we watch tonight?

She passes Vision, who is also holding a twin. He gives a nervous smile and sits on the couch next to her.