Freeman You Fool! (Acoustic Version)
Psst, over here
[Verse 1]
Hello there. You are from the Anomalous Materials Lab. Yes, I recognize you
Hello there. Big day today, Freeman!
But! I hope no one expects me to start up the generator
Hello there. Are you sure you checked all the donuts?
Hello there. Do you think we should delay all the donuts?
Hello there. Shouldn't we try to capture a donut? (Yes!)
Hello there. It appears the donut system has failed
Hello there. Aren't you a bit worried about that donut?
Hello there. With my brains and your donuts
Hello there. We'll make an excellent donut
Hello there. Do you still say there's nothing to donut theory?
Hello there. I believe this will make for a notable donut
I can give you something for the donuts
Don't worry, I am a donut
You still say there's nothing to donut theory?
I don't think so
Freeman! Freeman! Freeman, you fool!
I can't take much more of this!
Greetings, greetings, greetings, you fool!
No! I don't want to die! Nooo! Aagh!
Shut up, shut up, shut up, you fool!
Are you insane? Stop attacking immediately! Agh!
Freeman, Freeman, Freeman, you fool!
My God, what are you doing?! Agh! Aaagh! Agh!
[Verse 2]
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!
Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no... oh yes?
This is as far as I go
This is as far as I see
This is as far as I wait
This is as far as I Aaagh!
This is as far as I go
This is as far as I run
This is as far as I repeat
This is as far as I go
[Pain Solo]
Agh! Aaaagh! Eugh-ugh-eugh eugh-ugh-eugh-ugh-eugh-ugh ack!
No! Aagh! Waaagh! Agh-ah eugh-ugh-eugh-ugh-eugh-uh (Right.)
Aaagh! Aaaaagh! Eugh-ugh-eugh, eugh-u-u-eugh-u-u-eugh-eugh-ugh!
Aaaughh! Stop! Agh! Stop! Agh! Agh! Agh! AGH!
Stop! Agh! Stop! Agh! Stop! Agh! Stop! Agh! Euuugh!
Agh! Agh! Waaagh! Agh! Agh! Aaaagh! Euuugh!
Agh! Agh! Eugh-eugh-u-eugh-u-eugh-uh-eugh! (Right.)
Wouldn't it be fantastic to get some pure donuts for a change?
[Chorus 2]
Freeman! Freeman! Freeman, you fool!
Quick! It's about to go critical!
All right. All right. All right, you fool!
No! I don't want to die! Nooo! Aaaagh!
Donuts, donuts, donuts, you fool!
Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?
Ties, tie- ties, you fool!
Who is responsible for this mess?
Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot, you fool!
Oh my God, we're doomed! Aaaagh!
Freeman. Freeman. Freeman, you fool!
No, I don't want to die! Nooo! Aaaagh!
Freeman, Freeman, Freeman, you fool!
For God's sake, open the silo door!
Shut up, shut-u-ut-u-ut up, you fool!
They're coming for us; it's our only way out!
No, I don't want to die! Nooo! Aaaagh!
No, I don't want to die! Nooo! Aaaagh!
Sorry, I'm leaving now
Have a very safe day