Gut me and boil my blood
I wasn't fit for this, I wasn't fit for love
Gut me and boil my blood
I wasn't fit for this, I wasn't fit for love
An ocean of maggots storms in my head
Shipwrecked, abandoned to meet my end
Eternal internal misery, a refugee
Stuck on a world that couldn't possibly be for me
Venom smashes the walls of my arteries
Pumping sludge through my heart, I'm diseased
Life is a macabre charade
Insistent on exhausting me
Help me! Help me!
Help me please
Kill me! Kill me!
Kill me please!
"I don't want to feel like this, I'm so tired of waking up angry or waking up at all, I need a way out."
I need to escape!
Let me out, let me out of life
I won't survive this frame of mind
Let me out, let me out of life
It's not your fault, I know you tried
I'll say goodbye
Say goodbye one last time
Lay my body in the soil, and feed me to the Earth
Give my body a purpose, make it a den to worms
Cut me out like the cancer
Rotting flesh is what I am
Send me home down below
Send me home down below
Send me home down below
Send me home down below