I'm working in this pizzeria as a night security guard
Checking the monitors to make sure nothing
Happens is not that hard
But later in the night the animatronics aren't in place which is not right, no
They seem to move a lot around this place, looking straight into my face, oh
Why did I even do this job it's spooky here and so underpaid
I've got to do these nights, I'll have to stay here so alone and afraid
Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Freddy
The animatronics, a-a-animatronics
They'll come for you, no they will never rest
Animatronics. (animatronics)
They want to stuff you into a suit
This will not be gently but very brute!
Know that you always will be viewed
And once they're inside then you are screwed!
Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Freddy!
The animatronics, a-a-animatronics
Watch out for them but don't forget the rest!
Animatronics. (animatronics)