The La Planta
Breaking Free
This is my first time... please reply to me if you want to, don't leave me hanging...
When Eminem says:
"Shout it out like there's never been a louder mouth
Should have never been allowed a mouth"
What I think and hear is:
"Shout it out like there's never been a louder mouth
Should have never been.'Allow him out now'"
It shouldn't rhyme though... He's saying that the illuminati shouldn't have allowed him out
Now that he got a higher power now meaning he was got God on his side
And now he's kicking the devil to the side cause he doesn't need him
Since he got fame, money, and the one he loves(he's daughter)
And since he's partner of shady records Paul is leaving(He said it in the interview)
Eminem is finally going to have full control of his studio
And will be able to produce the music he wanted to from the start well he did make the music
The music he was asked to do by the illuminati but Eminem always added a twisted and for some reason
They didn't notice it or they probably did but didn't worry cause they thought he never was going to get out
But in best friend he says that they made a mistake and they gave him too much power
And is way over them and he was planning to leave them from the start because of the way he treated him
(25 to life is a perfect example)
He said he was leaving them "Fuck you hip hop, I'm leaving you, My life sentence is served bitch and it's just..."
So due to telling them that they panicked and obviously threatened him to kill him
But he didn't give in so they begged him to stay and gave him more fame, money and fortune in other words more power
So now that he has enough power after so many mind blowing songs like:
Fast Lane
Living Proof
Loud Noise
Beautiful Pain
Rap God
The Monster
Calm Down
Fine Line
Psychopathic Killer
Guts Over Fear
Detroit v.s Everybody
Best Friend
World Wide Choppers 2(Speedom)NEW*
All these songs were legendary and there was lots of income
Don't forget a lot of 'power' as well
Which Eminem has gained
And now will finally use it
Tech n9ne has invested alot of money just to pay for Eminem
But Eminem didn't want any money
All he want was for him to be on a song with him
I'm sure they are going to tackle the Illuminati together in this song
But Tech might just get Eminem to make it an Evil song
Since he is part of the illuminati STILL
But that's all what I think
I pray that Eminem gets out totally and alive with his soul back... somehow...