Izaak Opatz
Arm’s Length Away
Oh, thank god there’s no service here
On this lonely gravel road
I was gonna call you just to say
I regret letting you go
I guess I’ll say it to the wind instead
And let all my regrets get blown
Oh, thank god there’s no service here
On this lonely gravel road

Oh, thank god the internet’s down
When I get home from the bar
I was gonna send you an email
About making a brand new start
I guess I’ll drag it to the trash instead
Where it can’t do any harm
Oh, thank god the internet’s down
When I get home from the bar

Because there used to be love between us
And now there’s just things we can’t say
And there are good reasons, though I sometimes forget them
That you’re not an arm’s length away

Oh, thank god it’s Sunday
And the post office is closed
I was gonna send you a letter
Telling you to come home
I’ll save a stamp and save myself
The trouble of raising my hopes
Oh, thank god it’s Sunday
And the post office is closed

Because there used to be love between us
And now there’s just things we can’t say
And there are good reasons, though I sometimes forget them
That you’re not an arm’s length away

Oh, thank god my bike got stolen
And I forgot to fill up the car
I was gonna go just knock on your door
And tell you I’ve been thinking hard
I guess I’ll stay home and just think some more
Until the future shows its cards
Oh, thank god my bike got stolen
And I forgot to fill up the car