Izaak Opatz
Passenger Seat
I was only looking for someone
To pull on the end of my sleeve
And help me out of my coat
While I was driving
I’d almost stopped hoping it would ever be true love
In the passenger seat
I was trying to get free of my fantasies
I was holding off holding out hope
For long gone, long odds girls like you
Who would tie up the phone
While someone more like me
Was trying to get through
And then you fell out of the bottom of the stairs
Unmistakably warm in the eye
Looking at me like we’d both agreed
The time was finally right
I swear I never saw it coming
If I had, I would’ve messed it up already
But you got me good with a left hook
Swole my good eye up in love
Enough years go by loveless
I start planning my life alone
With a dog I’ll name Ramona
In a house that doesn’t have a phone
It’ll be good to put this behind me
All this straining, desperate hope
But the odds all change in the instant it takes
A gaze to fly across the room
I could tell by the way you held my eye
I could tell by the way you moved
Walking up to me in a straight line
Blazing with a warmth unknown
I guess I’d always dreamed it would be like this
But it’s so dangerous to hope
That you’d fall in love with me
I was only looking for someone
To pull on the end of my sleeve
And help me out of my coat
While I was driving
I’d almost stopped hoping it would ever be true love
In the passenger seat