Artist name : 6ix_x_6ix
Song name : The old me died
Yeah , I been thinking a long time
The way to change my mind
Be sad is fuck the life , fall to a nightmare
Sorry all the girls , I haven't take care
Refresh my mind to the bones
I'm get out the pain , I need to be alone
Hold me down , the old me died
I fighting the demons till I'm bleed in nose
We will just have to see how it goes
Bandy legs and crooked toes
Gravestone let's the rest of me repose
Never broke again in my life
Keep gown up don't let the bitch take ya time
I sleep beside the suicide , this shit fuck my mind
I can't fuck with it , it's savage
I already see the burning of the page , yeah , yeah
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
Yeah , six feet in the grave , sad , rest in peace
Lord keep me safety , I'm honest
I was a beast , I'm feel bleeding
Passed away , I'm fuck my vision
I get down to pay attention
If you're not willing accept my emotion
Fuck ! get out my way if you not care depression
Feel my head under water , she's a heart eater
I'm broke with the tears
I gotta start making changes
Run it back I need this life in my veins
I'm put my knees in the night , the angels be like
Keep some demons away me , I'm not affright
Let me burn to aches , that's how I feel the trenches
The old me died , I don't want hear of it
I feel quite well , I rest of my case , yeah , yeah
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey
He died hey
He died hey
He fall hey