Jordan Peterson
The Voice
How old was I when everything you understood started to come together?
I think that really started happening to me, started probably happening to me when I was in my early 20s
I realized at about that age, that almost everything I said was a falsehood of one form or another
I was using language instrumentally in order to win arguments or to attain dominance, indicate that I was intelligent, or
To use it for victory, for narrow local, personal victory
And I realized that when I was in my early 20s, and I started to, 'cause a voice, in some sense a voice started inside my head, which I now regard as something equivalent to Cricket in "Pinocchio."

The voice it's your opposite
The voice that makes you buck
The voice it's your opposite
The voice
The voice it’ s your opposite
The voice that makes you buck
The voice
The voice

And continually inform me that the things I was saying
Weren't in some fundamental sense weren't true, and it was very disquieting, because the voice that was commenting on what I was saying
Was making comments of that sort
I wouldn't call them disparaging
It was more, just a matter of fact commentary, but it was saying about 95% of what I was saying
And I thought, "Well, that's a strange conundrum, because now I don't know if I'm the voice that's criticizing what I'm saying, or if I'm the thing that saying what's being criticized."
How do you figure that out?
But I decided that I would take a chance and assume that the part that was suggesting that I wasn't saying things truthfully was accurate, and I started to practice always saying things that, that voice wouldn't object to
The voice it's your opposite
The voice that makes you buck
The voice it's your opposite
The voice
The voice it’ s your opposite
The voice that makes you buck
The voice
The voice

And I think that's also equivalent to some degree to trying to say only those things that make you strong instead of weak
Or that do not fill you with a post-speech sense of shame and regret

(Voice, Voice, Voice, Voice, Voice, Voice, Voice, Voice)