Quiece Aziz
Stories to Tell
If you knew all of me would you still love me?
If you knew all of me would still trust me?
If I told you my story would you judge me?
If I was stuck in a dark place and I needed a hand
Would you help me? (x2)
Can I be honest sometimes I get really depressed
And I look at the world and I think what a mess
Can I be honest sometimes I don’t like my self
Cause when I look in the mirror, I see someone else
Can I be honest being black is kind of hard you wanna know why?
Cause we never get far without
People putting labels on us
Telling us how we should look
Telling us how we should act
Telling us how we should live
If it’s only for blacks it’s not professional
I’m not tryna be racist I’m just tryna be real
Cause we all gotta story to tell and when you tell it, you heal
I promise you I don’t take none of it back cause this how I feel
Can I be honest yes I’m Christian
But something is missing, foundational love
All you hear is stories form another person bout another person
And you take it and run with it I Call that a judge
We gotta dig deep above the surface
Cause how can we care for the world
If we never care for each other
How we gon love the whole world
If we don’t got love for each other
How you a Christian reflecting the Christ if you judge all ya sisters and brothers
If you knew all of me would you still love me?
If you knew all of me would still trust me?
If I told you my story would you judge me?
If I was stuck in a dark place and I needed a hand
Would you help me? (x2)
When I was back home I was excited about my god , I use to always ask my friends to come to church with me , they would always say “no” because they were afraid they would be judged , I use to get mad at them for saying that cause I felt like nobody would do that cause it’s supposed to be about love , but now I’m surrounded by many Christians in school and I can relate to them now and understand why they would feel that way , I mean no body is perfect, and judging is something we all do to some degree but if I can be honest I gotta say for myself and for my sisters and brothers in Christ that’s something we seriously need to work on and get better with , just cause I got dark skin , I got dreads , I wear rips in my jeans , just cause I look different than you and didn’t have a come up like you did don’t mean I’m wrong and don’t mean you wrong, we all different and all on the same mission