(Intro )
Hey its Nightmare6 here tonight
Tellin you what my life is like Every year since Pre-k
Yeah Turn the music up boys
(Verse )
*sigh* I realized that this was all just a mistake
I shouldn't of done this
Im like the bad girl in school
* laughs * No wonder why no one likes me
My friends call me a bad ass bitch
Like who the fuck you talking to
Im not having people remembering me by that name
Hell no cause thats not going to happen
They will all remember me as a Rock star
They all say that i can't do it
But thats not what my father told me
He said " Do what you gotta do to reach your goal "
I said " Of course dad i know im not letting those haters bring me down hell no "
( Chorus )
But then things they got worse
I lost everything I messed up but I
Won't let that stop me now
I might have lost part of my family
Might have lost alot of friends
But hey im in a relationship so who the fuck
Cares Yeah Yeah ohhh ohhhh Yeah Yeah Ohhh Ohhh Woah
(verse )
These Haters they don't know
Who they dealing with I got my boys with me
And they got nothing who is going to win well obviously it will be
Me yeah calling me an ugly bitch saying I'm useless , Like bitch
Are you sure your not looking in the mirror cause haha sorry but that all about you Sorry bitch I am done with this shit
All this bullshit you put me through
Your nothing compared to me
( chorus with JeffTheKiller6 )
But then things they got worse
I lost everything I messed up but I
Won't let that stop me now
I might have lost part of my family
Might have lost alot of friends
But hey im in a relationship so who the fuck
Cares Yeah Yeah ohhh ohhhh Yeah Yeah Ohhh Ohhh Woah
( bridge )
Yeah you might ruin my dreams
Yeah you might say shit but that don't mean nothing
Yeah its true that in the past I had an abussive boyfriend but
That doesn't mean I deserve it
Who cares if i dated jerks or how you say " ugly " people but wait
Ha thats not your choice to choose who i date
I don't care what you say just let me be me
Hey I have a little secret to tell you
( chorus )
But then things they got worse
I lost everything I messed up but I
Won't let that stop me now
I might have lost part of my family
Might have lost alot of friends
But hey im in a relationship so who the fuck
Cares Yeah Yeah ohhh ohhhh Yeah Yeah Ohhh Ohhh Woah
I don't care haha
I'm unique
I'm much better
I'm the popular one
You are the loser since
You bully people
I don't care ha