Hydrogen fools making sparks again. The likeness falls as their rage descends. The wretched, the vile, the one the finger points to. Now that could be me, or is it you? So, what leg do you have to stand on? Stand on me when all you know is an absolute wrong
Due process is a fucking fallacy. They light the house and we watch it burn, yet no one stays to settle the wreckage. What’s done is done whether you’re guilty or not. I’m feeling less and less like a person. Believe me when I say that I’m trying to rise above this urge to erase you. We want to be better people. I want to climb inside my memories and hide
Dream again, let me leave this world. Dream again. Disassociate me. Sedate me. Erase me. I’m calling from the back seat, we’re driving off the edge
So keep spitting your venom. Fragile little minds with a right to defend. Keep digging that hole, denying your soul. So when the time comes, I’ll ask you again
Dream away this life
How are we expected to grow if our only choice is to turn ourselves inside out? I don’t know if we will find our way out. Compassion corrodes with the judgement you hold
You aren’t having these thoughts, these thoughts are having you