We Dads are Really Fucked in Our Heads
Here we go with the laugh again
Yeah (x2)
Here we go, that's happiness my man
And I'm gunna get it out of my chest
Wait, no, how can I get it out of my chest?
I need my heart there and my lungs
I don't wanna get anything out of my chest
Well, except maybe all the congestion that I got from smoking all of this weed
The weed that you need
Because you're addicted you see
And wait, I'm talking to myself in the third person again
Wait, no that wasn't third person
That was second, oh yeah, get it right you wretch
Alright now, I'm gunna lеt you know that I just wanna be
What I wanna be
And what I wanna be is this guy, yo
And that mеans that I'm perfectly happy how I am
Even when I stutter or I stammer
Yeah, I broke that word into two, but I'm still bringing it to you and the rest of your crew like I always do
I'm consistent as fuck and that's why you love every single second that I dream up new things to say to you in a brand new way
Even though somehow they're paradoxically all the same
Yeah, that's just me and I'm telling you that this is really just a brain wave I'm sending out to you
And to you, I mean me and by me I mean that's solipsism, can't you see?
But I reject that belief, because I don't want to believe that I'm the only one in this head and the only one in this mind, you see
Because, that would be lonely
And now I understand how God must feel
Yo, it's easy to be lonely when you don't really know anyone deep inside or if you have intimate connections through
Your mind
Your eyes
Your space
Your time
Your - god! fuck! fuck! fuck! god damn this rhyme!
Oh well, that's okay just let it out and be you and you will see that everything loves what you do, whether that's a cat, a cactus or a pie
Well, except the pie's gonna get eaten and it probably wouldn't like that
But that's okay, because I'm just gonna flow
And I'm gonna flow anyway
And, well, I got kind of a unique flow, because I've got a mental illness and a disorder, yo
I'm bipolar and that's alright, too
Because we have hearts and we have souls, too
And yeah, I take a bunch of pills to keep me sane
But that's okay, because that's just my brain
It's the way that everything works and you know what's really cool?
I used to view it as a curse, but now I realize I was a fool
It's really a gift and you see, that's why I can freestyle everything that I've ever needed to get out of my life and out of my mind and off my chest
Was I talking about chests before?
Shit, I dunno
I've redone this fucking song so many times that I kind of lost track
Alright, now I want to talk about Erika Groves
And well, no, it's Larson
Yo (x3)
I don't even fucking know
What is truth?
And what does it mean?
I guess it doesn't matter, cuz I'm just going to bring it to you now
She's raising a single boy all on her own and it brings her so much joy
That she, well, sometimes she's sad, so I guess it's bad I just lied to you and I'm a dad
And maybe that's why she's raising a kid on her own
Cuz we dads are really fucked in our heads