Goldeneye 64
This is the story of Goldeneye 64
Yo (x3)
Alright, I remember it like it was yesterday
In 1997, hey
We played a game called Goldeneye and it was really great
You could play with four people and they were all cool
Cause I had Joel, Meng and another one, too
No wait, I didn't know Meng, yet, but I would soon
And that is cool, because, well
I need to go to school
And I'm back in school in 1998
And it's great except I'm not there
Wait, what am I saying?
If I'm not thеre
Then how was I therе?
I don't know, but I am scared of...

Oh, yeah
It's because I skipped school because I was too cool
That's why I ruled the playground, yes
When anyone messed with me I punched them in the head
Ok, now
That was great, but somehow I was also a nerd
Uh, wait, wait
Because I climbed into bushes with my friends and we traded Pokémon™
Oh my God, yes
That sounded like a euphemism for something else
But I promise you I didn't get the help from anyone, no I didn't need it
Except, there was a girl named Samira and she
Well, she told me that she wanted me to fuck her and we were like 14 years old
And I, looking back on it, I shoulda done it
But, now I know that I wouldn'ta done it
Because, well, I was too scared
I thought I'd get AIDS and, well, that's weird
Because I was only 14 and who has sex then?
Wait, maybe they do it at 10
Okay, now I need to stop
I was talking about Goldeneye, but I'm off my knocker a little bit
And I'm a little strange
I'm a little deranged, because that's okay because I'm on my medi-sane
And my medicine is what I mean and my medi-sane is with me
Because we're okay
And the pills keep me straight
And I know I've, mive, got a head on my neck

Okay (x6)

Now playing with power weapons is the best
I've got the RCP-90 and I'm putting ya to the test
You've got a little Klobb and you're a little blob
Because you're fuckin' that god damn Odd Job
And now I am talking about Jaws
The tall motherfucker in suspenders he's also odd but he's not a job
No, he is Jaws and he's a big guy that's going to smash you in the face, yeah
And I'm getting a rocket launcher and I'm going to shoot it down in the temple
And you're gonna dodge it and I'm gonna get pissed
But I'm gonna get the green crate'a ammo that's it
And now I'm coming back around the corner, motherfucker
And guess what I found
A couple remote mines and I'm stickin' them to you
Motherfucker, there is nothing that you can do
Because you're going to blow up and I'm gonna bust you into motherfuckin' pieces that's true
Because I'm the motherfuckin' best and the golden gun just got shoved in-between your mom's buns
And I guess that means that I'm winning, motherfucker
I'm winning
I always win
Beat my friends at Goldeneye 64 and I'm back in 1994
And the game didn't exist, but in my head it did because, well, I manifested that shit
Because I'm just a god inside of a human's body
And I think I'm getting pretty hotty