And every night you lay down and you fall asleep
And you dream about the stars
Feels like a thousand miles away but it's in your reach
And you've come so far, you've come so far
[Verse 1]
When I was a boy my Grandpa read to me
A little black book called the B-I-B-L-E
In it, it said all was possible and I believed
But then he took his last breath and he left me
In 1995, that magic almost died
I questioned if everything grandpa taught me was a lie while he was alive
I prayed he would revive, but he didn't
The truth had arrived and it only jibed with the fact that I'd been deprived of his life
I sat up at night on the couch and cried
I couldn't hide from it
I was in disbelief
I'd lost the only dad that meant anything to me
There was no relief
I was crushed beneath the weight of the grief
Our time together was brief
Death came in like a thief and took him from me
With him, it seemed I lost my peace
But importantly, I never lost the child-like ability to dream
That he gave to me
[Verse 2]
Two years ago, I was living a dream
Four boys, a sexy wife and a great J-O-B
I was making $90,000 annually, but the truth was I just wasn't H-A-Double P
Psychologically, the price I paid was steep
Things were bleak
I was working 80 hours a week, putting money into someone else's schemes
So, seventeen years after grandpa D-I-E-D
I began to weep
I couldn't sleep
I wanted to die – I even tried
Slit my wrists with a knife
I questioned why I lived a lie
Deep inside, I didn't feel alive, so I quit my job and told my wife
That I strived to rap and all she did was fucking laugh
Her words were a slap in the face
My trust was misplaced and my marriage a waste
But she could not erase my faith that one day, I’d be great
[Verse 3]
I have to get this off of my chest
Shortly after the things in this chapter my wife left
At behest of the state
She divested my kids
It got me feeling depressed and bereft
And my resolve would abate
I could not ingest that she did not share my zest
I guess It's best if I jest
That you relate to it lessening my stress though
I will attest I was distressed, but still blessed because my sons
Had expressed I was the best D-A-D
Before she took them from me
Though I already felt free, their words filled me with glee and new energy
Because it meant they listened when I read the story my grandpa R-E-A-D
To me while I sat in his L-A-P and the beauty
Was that my sons