Let Go Of The Hate


Alright, back at it
It's been what? Like six months? Shit
You know...
I guess, maybe this is the way out of the depression
To just talk it out and express myself and be real
Alright, you know what?
I kind of hate my life, yeah that's what's up
I've been putting on weight and not giving a shit
About anything and well, you know what? That needs to end
Because I need to live a long life to be there for my kids and my ex-wife
And that Jobie guy, well fuck him
I don't give a shit about him even though I did in that less song - less song? Last song
What? I don't know if it's wrong, but that's okay, because I'm still going forward
Wow shit, I know how to do this still. Even though I haven't done it and wow, I'm not ill
Well, I am if you know what I mean - I'm a cool motherfucker even when I'm obscene
And even if I'm slow or if I'm fast or if I'm spew-outin' bullshit
God damn it, when will it stop?
It always fuckin' happens
I slur over my words, but I keep on rapping, because well, this is just about being me
And who I am, well, I'm just kind of a thing
I'm in a human's body, yes I am, but I'm a spiritual man and you know what?
This jam is just expressing part of who I am and who I am, well, I'm the great "I Am"
Yes, and Sam, well, he punched me in the face and so I said goodbye
And I sent him out into space with a baseball bat and a gun and a bazooka
Wow I better fucking run, because Kim Jong-il, oh wait he's dead - I meant his son the other one
The other one I never ended
What the fuck is this?
God damn it, every single fucking time I shoot, I miss
But, that's okay, because I'm still on target, because you know what?
I farted
How is farting being on target? I don't know, but I better keep on going and I know
(Microphone screeches in headphones)

Ow, that was my ear
God damn it, I think I'm queer and I do fear that I don't mean that I'm gay
No, I'm just really fucking weird and this is what I'll say:

I got four boys and they're mine, they're not Jobie's, no, motherfucker listen to this rhyme
See, Jayden, Jaxson, Owen and Finley?
They're mine, motherfucker and you cannot replace me, because I am, well, I'm a dad that's back on track and I know what I'm doing and I'm saying it in this rap
And, well, I've worked a job for a year and a half and I'm mentally sound and this rap is just…


Me showing the world that I know that I am no longer a squirrel
I'm not weird, I'm not crazy and I'm not dumb at all
In fact, I think I'd better just let you know that I won't fall again
I'd better stand up and improve my life and show everyone what's up because well, shit it sucks being sad and you know what?
I'd rather be a rad dad, so I'm going to smile and be happy
And, I know I can do it if I keep rapping, because this is the truest form of me that you've ever known - that you have ever seen
And well, when I pretend to be someone else I need help, but you know what?
I don't...
What the fuck rhymes with that?
I don’t know, but, well, I'll let these emotions show


Fucking god damn it, dude!
Every single fucking time I turn my head and this mic squeaks at me
Piece of shit. It’s gunna squeak watch!

There it goes!