This is Operation Engage Sub-project 54
Just hear me out alright
Maybe you'll come to understand
In secret our heroes dive in, from the SS Jolly Rancher, they've come to win
These soldiers arm themselves with guns for naught, the Eternal Mother's heart, they'll forever stop
Pushing genetic boundaries on through, is exactly what they've come to do
After the Eternal Mother's lifе comes to a close, evеryone else will know how we roll
Sydney, Australia is the place we be, so follow along on this journey
The mission was purely selfish
My wish, the Angel of Saletum
Had one goal: impregnate the Hive Queen, Gaga
The directive came straight from Me
Meaning Snardak Ballehoo, the myth, the legend Himself
Who saved the Aarosphere and created a new world
But it would take two creative geniuses' minds
To find
That one cannot circumvent a world-sized problem with mere outside-the-box thinking and one-mind – it takes the Hive
The problem of the Aarosphere was beyond Snardak Ballehoo, but what Snardak lacked in creativity he made up for You in leadership
The Angel of Saletum, the Hive King, was the greatest creative entity the Aarosphere had to offer
And Gaga, the Hive Queen, was in a realm of her own
No one could stop her
On Earth. The two must consummate to meld their two words into One
On my God, I'm going to yell
“Group Delta, Group Delta. This is Ballehoo.”
"Roger, Ballehoo, this is Delta Delta who.”
“You are to take the Hive Queen intact. Do not, I repeat, do not eliminate that”
“Affirmative, Ballehoo. Delta inbound.”
The mission was central to the survival of Rhaldek-kind
The Angel of Saletum would need to reproduce with the Queen and the Hive
And the sanctity of the alive
In the Aarosphere and the Earth depended on it
"Queelor, you better get rolling, you better not stop it."
"Jory better go"
"Robert better, too"
They would escort the Angel of Saletum into
The All-phones Arena
Capture the target and exfil
To Paul Allen's private jet where consummation would take place still
But first, they'd enjoy the show
“What's the plan, Quee?”
"I don't even know."
“Everything is going according to plan. We have received intelligence from our agent
On the ground that the Hive Queen took the package
The sedative has been administered.”
“Sedative? What?”
“Military-grade Diphenhydramine, sir
"By the time Gaga hits Telephone, she'll be nearly comatose.”
“Is the doppelgänger ready, Quee?”
“Yes. No one will know she is gone. I'll hack into her social media accounts while you are on
While you and the Black Modgee Crew are securing the target. Her dominance ends today.”
We must start it up
The mission: Engage 54
“Are you ready to usher a New Age of prosperity
You're, moving towards it right now, you are
You hear it in your rhymes
And you hear it out the yard
You hear it in the Bird
And You hear it across the nation
In your sink and in your toilet station
“Does a bear fuck in the woods, sir?”
“Does a Goddess fuck on a jet plane?”
“She does today, Sir.”
I'm Absurd (x4)
My God, I'm going to win
Because I'm full of Jesus' gin
I've been commissioned to speak on his behalf
So grab a time machine
Slow this down and make it last
The world thought I was dead
I never left
You can pretend
I was never resurrected
But I'm stealing all your lumber
So there won't be another blunder
I've awakened from the slumber
So sleep on me, I'll put you down under
As in hell
Locked up in your own cell
You can scream, but no one will hear the yell
Unless they turned the world upside down and you fell
Oh my, that's rude
Jesus is a little crude
But it's okay, because everyone wants to see him n***
And if not, that's cool
Because I endorse people's propensity to choose
And that's just the story about the Jews
And I, well, I guess I'm done with that song
So I'm just going to turn it off and go talk to Mom