an introduction LOVE ˃ BLOOD
Family to me is the scars on my wrist
The slamming doors
The sounds of shouting
It's wanting to be noticed
Fearing shame
The sense that you're not enough
The pain of being abandoned
Family means little to me
They're not worth speaking about
They're the only ones that made it wrong
Nothing hugs like a family hug
My family is the never ending heartbreak I never asked for
And it's also okay to move on
Family is chosen
Family isn't blood
The blood of the covenant is thickеr than the water of the womb
It doеsn't matter if you chose your family
It's not always biology
They're more my family than my own family is
Love means far more than blood ever will
On the bad days they help you carry that heavy burden
It doesn't matter if we talk, if we don't talk for weeks
Being there for each other
Who picks you up when you need them to
Family is sitting down around the dining table
Like a shelter that I can come to
They're who love us at our worst
Unconditional love
Even when you make mistakes, you know that they'll still be there
There to cheer you on
It's cuddles with bedtime stories
Everything else is just genetics
I wouldn't be here without them
My reason for still being here
Things can change with time
Family isn't the DNA that runs in your veins