Jazz Emu
You Can’t Make Me Dance
[Verse 1]
Mister DJ
You're trying to take control of me
You're so cheeky (sneaky man)
Trying to do away with my autonomy

But you can't make me
Dance, tonight
So you might as well stop the music
'Cause you ain't got a
Chance, alright
Of getting this body movin'
It's refusing
Give up; you're clearly losing

Never gonna break it down
Check my tail feather
Do you see it shakin' now?
I didn't think so
Both leggies
Fully rigid in my trou
So still I
Make a statue envious
[Verse 2]
Okay I can see how
When I was moving
It looked a lot like I was boogying
But I was just bending down (in time with the music)
Which gave a rhythmical illusion
If you saw me groovin'
You're confused
How much fruit punch have you had?
See my booty shakin'
You're mistaken
You must have eaten something bad
How many fingers am I holding up?
No it's three, thumbs don't count
We should really get you checked out

'Cause you can't make me
Dance, tonight
You're fighting a losing battle
I'm in a rock-hard
Stance, Locked tight
You want my feet nomadic
It's pathetic
Give up; I'm clearly static
You try to lure me with your energy
But I can fight you off so effortlessly, yeah
I swear my neck's not popping to the beat
My friend Hugh said something true
I'm nodding because I agree

'Cause you can't make me
Dance, tonight
No I'm not doing the macarena
These moves are happen-
Chance, alright
I'm just feelin' for my wallet
It's not my fault it
Looks so freakin' flawless

Never gonna break it down
Check my tail feather
Do you see it shakin' now?
I didn't think so
Both leggies
Fully rigid in my trou
So still I
Make a statue envious