Jazz Emu
The most offensive word in the english language
Can I have a word with the person who came up with the word pineapple? (ooh hoo)
Are we really certain that we find this version of the word acceptable? (ooh hoo)
When literally every other language said “ananas”, English panicked
And mentally combined the concept of a pinecone with a frickin' apple

Why stop at that?
All the things in the world should be named after two other things with minimal conceptual link
Why say “curtain'
When we know a perfectly good word woulda been “a windowwink”
Do we really wanna eat a dull banana?
We could be eating “hotdoglemon”
Saying “foot” is boring
I would rather call it
My meatpaddle (Meatpaddle!)

(Ooh hoo hoo)
Chewin' on a bowl of morninggravel
(Ooh hoo hoo)
Drying myself with a humanflannel
(Ooh hoo hoo)
Getting kicked in my fleshnutsatchel

This is my agenda:
I want to amend every word to resemble